
Check out the schedule of Cyprus Board Gamers at CCC’16!

12247661_10153159749627344_1483149602671051057_oFor a third year in a row Cyprus Board Gamers will be participating at Cyprus Comic Con!

If you love playing board games, make sure to join in their activities!

Saturday 3/9
09:00 – 12:00   Family Games
12:00 – 16:00   Co-operative Games

Sunday 4/9
09:00 – 12:00   Family Games
12:00 – 16:00   Party Games
16:00 – 20:00   Fantasy/ Sci-fi Games

At the time of events there will be dedicated tables at which they will explain rules of the selected theme and help people start playing boardgames. Those who are interested in playing games not included in the specified theme can join them for free-play session where they can try any game from their selection.



Cosplay on Sunday

With the cosplay competition happening on Saturday, one would think that on Sunday there won’t be much do to in terms of cosplay. Wrong!

Kairi’s Workshops
Photo Credit: Studio Zahora

Our cosplay special guest, Kairi, will be running two very interesting panels for cosplayers! Here’s what they are about in her own words:

Cosplay Motivations (11:30 – 13:00)

I’m sure you sometimes feel down about your cosplay skill, your stage acting or make up work – everybody has these moments they feel like ‘a plastic bag, no biggie! But how to regain the motivation you lost because of certain people or situations? How to find some more reasons to finally finish the costume you’ve started a long time ago? How to stop comparing yourself to other cosplayers? Come and discuss with me, I can propose you some ways out!

Cosplay Performance Building (15:00 – 16:30)

Doesn’t matter if you already tried stage acting or if you’re a total newbie – everybody are free to come! I will help you plan and organise everything that is needed to make your stage performance unforgettable for you, your cosplay group and especially – for the audience! Prepare some cool and important questions as we will have a few minutes for Q&A in the end of prelection.

Cosplay Freestyle (16:30 – 19:00)

Right after Kairi’s performance building workshop, we will have the honour of watching her perform on our cosplay stage live! This will be the introduction to a new section which we decided to call Cosplay Freestyle! What this involves is literally a playground where every cosplayer can try their hand at performing a cosplay skit on the CCC16 Cosplay Stage with the music and video backdrop of their choice from a USB stick or anywhere on the internet. The participation will be first-come-first-served and  if you’re interested in performing, all you need to do is come to the cosplay stage and meet with the cosplay team during the Cosplay Freestyle!

Here is Kairi’s brilliant performance as Lady Sif at the Polymanga GEC 2016!

A few words about CCC’s bazaar!

After last year’s major success, Cyprus Comic Con Bazaar returns with many used and handmade items available for sale! There will be a big variety of items – from handmade wristbands and bonzai trees to mugs, collectibles, video games and vinyl records!

Here’s a small taste of what you can expect to find at the bazaar which is set on Sunday, September 4th from 10:00 till 19:00! The bazaar will take place at ‘Pentadaktylos’ hall.


Cyprus Comic Con 2016 Film Festival Presentations

1Other than the wonderful screenings featured at this year’s CCC Film Festival a series of presentations have been scheduled to initiate inspiration from our audience.

On Saturday 10:30am the cast and producers of ATAXIA an upcoming superhero web series will screen their pilot episode and discuss their future plans. Talented local actors and co-stars of the show, Andreas Phylactou and Christodoulos Martas will be present to answer any questions from the audience.

3Same day at 15:00 the GeekOtopos team will unveil to the CCC audience a secret project and introduce to the local geek community their vision of a collaborative work-space for creative professionals. This presentation is highly recommended for independent storytellers working in any visual medium.


4Sunday, the second day of the con starts with an introduction to special make up FX at 10:30am. Rakis Georgiou one of the most prolific Special FX Artists on the island will take you on a trip through the history of Practical FX and conclude with samples from his own work including tips and tricks. Cosplayers and filmmakers with an interest on the subject shouldn’t miss this presentation!


5Our presentations section will conclude for this year’s CCC Film Fest at 13:00 with a talk from Zedem Media, a leading local animation studio that produces works for the international market, from cartoon style animations for non-profits such as ‘TED’ and the ‘School of Life’, to character based commercials and motion graphics. In this presentation they will talk about what got them where they are today, showcase examples of their work and analyze their design approach.

Please take note that all presentations will be at the CCC Film Festival premises (Jean Monet Auditorium) and seating will be first come first served.


MrWoodenSheep at CCC’16!

woodensheepGenna Khudilaynen runs a variety comedy gaming Youtube channel called MrWoodenSheep. On his channel, he covers a lot of old nostalgic games like Crash Bandicoot and Rayman, as well as more modern indie games such as Rocket League and Binding of Isaac, or triple A games like Payday and Portal!

Check out MrWoodenSheep’s channel on Youtube!

The type of videos Genna makes, range from slightly edited, casual Let’s Plays of all sorts of games, to well-prepared and researched videos where he showcases upcoming games, to heavily edited videos where he recreates every single sound effect of a game with his own mouth and syncs it to gameplay! The main goal of Genna’s videos is to make you laugh!

Genna will have his own booth at CCC’16 as MrWoodenSheep where he will be showcasing his videos and would like to invite everyone to stop by and meet him there! He works on his channel every single day (almost all day!) therefore when it comes to video editing software, Photoshop and the way Youtube works regarding things like research results, Genna is extremely well-informed and capable and would like to share that knowledge with everyone at the convention. So feel free to visit his booth, ask him questions or just to have a nice chat and laugh together!

Some examples of MrWoodenSheep’s videos:

What if I did the Sound Effects for The Binding of Isaac using my mouth?

Let’s Play Gang Beasts

Let’s Play Crash Bandicoot

A Sheepish look at Rise of Tomb Raider