Artist Profile: Alexander Tellalis

Talented illustrator and concept artist Alexander Tellalis will be returning to Cyprus Comic Con as one of our Featured Artists!

Alexander has been ‘painting’ digitally since 2013. Some art related interests of his include (but are not limited to) life drawing / plein air, art history, illustration, graphic / concept design, traditional painting and sculpture, matte painting, 3d and 2d animation , story/moodboarding, film.

At present, Alexander is working on a variety of projects both commercial and personal. In his spare time he enjoys long walks on the beach and generally being an outstanding member of the community. For more info either approach him in real-life or here via the interwebs!

Artist Profile: Leonidas Stivaktis

Meet our next Featured Artist for CCC16, comics creator Leonidas Stivaktis!

Leonidas was born in Athens and uninterestingly (according to him!), spent most of his life there. He doodled his way through school, eventually deciding to accept his fate and study comics and illustration at Ornerakis School of Applied Arts, as well as creative writing in the Kapodistrian University of Athens.

For more of Leonidas’ work, visit his page on Facebook.

He has worked in comics and illustration since 2008, mostly working for children’s books and personal projects. Leonidas has been taking part in comic conventions showcasing his work since 2013, so far counting more than eleven issues of comics and zines. He has worked as an art teacher for children aged 6-12 and a graphic designer, and currently he is freelancing as a comic maker and illustrator. Other artistic projects he is currently working on include tattooing, concept art and art journaling. If he ever decides to grow up, he wants to study marine biology and preferably make even more comics!

Artist Profile: David Selwood

Our next Featured Artist is the talented David Selwood, illustrator of the graphic novel ‘Aphrodite – The Naked Truth’, Cyprus’ very first adult comic!

To find out more about ‘Aphrodite – The Naked Truth’, visit the official website and Facebook page (explicit content – 18+ only).

The Artist

David Selwood was born in London and in the 1960’s attended Ealing Art College, London, under the direction of Roy Ascott and his team including artists such as R. B. Kitaj and the Cohen Brothers. David learned skills that were to be the foundations of his work that you see today. After a degree course in industrial design at the Central School St Martins, London, he won a travel bursary with one of his designs, enabling him to travel in Europe.

On his return he continued his career as an industrial designer, specialising in the field of lighting and received an award for one his designs from the British Design Council. After building his own natural stone house in rural Wiltshire, he was looking for a new project and encouraged by friends, David returned to his love of art and drawing.

After several exhibitions, and illustrating various children’s books, he recently completed his first graphic novel ‘Aphrodite the Naked Truth’, soon to be followed by HP Lovecraft’s stories ‘The Dunwich Horror’ and ‘At the Mountains of Madness’ with others to follow.

For more info on David Selwood visit his personal website and follow him on Facebook.

The Author

For the last ten years, Christiane Sternberg (b.1965, Berlin), has been living as a writer and journalist in Cyprus, where she has found inspiration, as well as in the travel guides by Marco Polo, Merian and Dumont for many of her short and long stories, including them in her blog and also in her own books.

Her story about the ancient Aphrodisia inspired the artist David Selwood. And together they created the Graphic Novel ‘Aphrodite – The Naked Truth’.

Visit Christiane’s page on Amazon.


Artist Profile: Kostas Nikellis

Meet our next Featured Artist, illustrator and game concept artist Kostas Nikellis!

Kostas Nikellis was born and lives in Athens, Greece. He is currently working as an illustrator and computer games graphics designer, while he previously worked as a computers programmer and analyst. His works have been published in Greece and abroad, in historical magazines, newspapers, books, electronic games cover boxes, card games etc.

For more samples of Kostas’ work, visit his profile on DeviantArt.

Kostas has been active for several years in the web-games graphics design industry, along with his freelance work in illustration and he is currently working on his upcoming comic book!

Artist Profile: Savvas Papadopoulos

CCC16 will host multi-talented illustrator Savvas Papadopoulos as one of its Featured Artists!

Savvas developed a love for drawing from a very young age. When he was just 15 years old, he had the opportunity to approach Byzantine iconography lessons for one year. Byzantine art greatly defined and shaped Savvas’ artistic style later on.

To see more of Savvas illustrations, visit his profile on Behance!

After graduating from school and finishing his military service, he completed a yearly foundation course in art studio laboratories, where he had to decide which art field he wanted to continue studying in as a university student. Among his choices were Fine Art and Photography. He eventually chose to study illustration and in 2011 he enrolled in Birmingham City University. He completed his three years of studies where he was able to experiment in various creative fields such as printmaking, digital art, photography and others.

Upon finishing his studies with a Visual Communication – Illustration diploma, he started working as a freelance illustrator. He has since worked on various projects, such as book covers, creating artwork for coffee shops, logos, board games design and creating digital paintings. His style is still evidently influence by byzantine iconography, ancient Greek pottery design, as well as modern illustration trends. He enjoys working digitally just as much as drawing traditionally by hand and is always looking for creative ways to combine the two. Savvas is always looking forward to respond to new challenges and gain new experiences!