Artist Profile: Elias Neophytou

Meet our next Featured Artist, young upcoming illustrator Elias Neophytou!

Elias is 22 years old and has been an aspiring comic book artist ever since he can remember! He has always been in love with art overall and even more so with the medium of comics. He is currently based in Limassol and is studying Graphic Design and Multimedia at the Technological University of Cyprus.

Elias draws and practices every day. He is primarily a traditional artist and prefers drawing by hand, using pencils as well as pen and ink, but also enjoys water-coloring and painting. Additionally, sometimes he likes to experiment with digital painting and colouring. More recently, he decided to take his work a step further by trying something new and collaborated with a friend on creating their own comic book story. They managed to complete and print the first issue of the comic and are now working on the second issue which will hopefully be ready for Cyprus Comic Con 2017!

To see more of Elias’ work, visit his art page on Facebook!

Artist Profile: Noy Kamarin Vered

Our next Featured Artist for CCC17’s Artists’ Alley is Noy Kamarin Vered, also known as Bakaneko33!

Noy Kamarin is a 19-year old artist who constantly strives for perfection in her art and to develop her own unique style. She is currently a character designer for Yandere Dev and while she is primarily self-taught, she did attend art school for a few years. Her dream and personal goal is to become a source of inspiration for other artists, old or new, to inspire them to follow their hearts and open up to new ideas, as well as to learn to develop their own unique style.

She describes her drawing style as rather special and colourful, but at the same time a bit dark, similar to the way of how she sees the world around her. She takes a lot of her inspiration from Japanese guro manga artist Shintaro Kago and aims to become as iconic as him in the future!

If you are a fan of Bakaneko33’s work, you can follow her on Facebook and support her work on Patreon and RedBubble.


Artist Profile: Copper Mouflon

We are pleased to welcome back the talented creative duo of Copper Mouflon to the Artists’ Alley of CCC17!

Copper Mouflon is a collaborative project between writer Christopher Demetriou and illustrator Stella Violari, for the creation of comics and graphic novels that will have you turning for the next page (or scrolling for the next frame) with anticipation and excitement!


Christopher Demetriou, proclaims a passion for stories of all types and genres and is always on the lookout for a good twist. When not writing stories, he enjoys contemplating the ceiling (apparently it helps with his creativity or something), winning every single board game ever thanks to his ridiculously unbelievable luck with the dice (!), and munching on whatever’s left in the fridge.



Stella Violari, studied illustration in the UK and completed her masters in the lovely and sunny Cyprus. She has been in love with drawing ever since she could hold a pencil (proof: her mother cries every time someone mentions “white walls” at home) and she is über passionate about games (though admittedly, she can’t beat Chris at board games), comics, anime, cartoons and movies. In short: if it comes on a screen, she’ll take it. Make sure to visit Stella’s Facebook page to see more from her personal projects and illustrations.

To see more from Copper Mouflon, visit their website and follow their page on Facebook!

Work by Copper Mouflon so far includes:

Kingdom of the Red Rose”, Chapter 1: “The Reaper’s Choice
Kingdom of the Red Rose”, Chapter 2: “Train Wreck
Stay Centered” – a short illustrated story.
Last Moments” – a one-shot 12-page mini comic created in collaboration with WriteCy during a local comics writing class.
Trial Run – Time Travel” part of an anthology with Arledge Comics, a US based independent creator.

Currently Copper Mouflon are working on the third chapter of their ongoing online comic, Kingdom of the Red Rose, titled “Guardian Angel Nathaniel”, as well as on a one-shot 12-page mini comic titled “The Pernach Master” and another one-shot graphic novel, “A Demon’s Drive”, based on the world of George Belaouris.

Do you have any ideas for stories or want to spill your heart out over any of Copper Mouflon’s work that you have read?
Hit them up on social media! They love chatting with their readers and fans!


Artist Profile: George Komiotis

Comic book artist George Komiotis is returning to Cyprus Comic Con as a Featured Artist!

George Komiotis has been a freelance artist since 1998. After completing his studies at Ornerakis Applied Arts school, he has since collaborated with several publications, magazines and newspapers, creating comics, strips, illustrations, portraits, children’s books, education books as well as animations.

Visit George’s Deviant Art profile to see more of his illustrations!

George collaborated with the magazine “PC Master”, for which he created the comics “Όχι άλλο κάρβουνο” (a Greek idiom which translates to “enough is enough”) and “Τα παιδιά του λαού” (“Children of the People”). He also collaborated with the magazine “Computer για όλους” (“Computer for everyone”), creating the comics “Alt F4”. He created two comics for insert “9” of newspaper “Ελευθεροτυπία”, called “Ψυχάκιας” (“Psycho”) and “Μούφα” (“Sham”). Additionally, he has collaborated with the insert “Ερευνητές” (“Investigators”) of “Καθημερινή” newspaper, for which he created weekly illustrations and portraits, comics and strips (from 2004 to 2015), as well as many other magazines such as “Maxim”, “Γαλέρα”, “Mετρό”, etc.

He has published two comics, “Ψόφα” (Comicdom Press), as well as “Μούφα” (

Artist Profile: Kyprianos M. Demosthenous

The next Featured Artist to showcase their talent at this year’s Comic Con is 3d artist Kyprianos M. Demosthenous.

Kyprianos Demosthenous is 20 years old and lives in Engomi, Nicosia. He graduated from Pascal English School two years ago, completed his National Service and this coming September he will begin studying Architecture at the University of the Creative Arts in England.

Design, modeling and 3D crafting have been his favourite hobbies since a very young age. He always enjoys practicing his creative hobbies and wishes to continue to do so for the rest of his life. For that reason, Kyprianos could never imagine himself to be studying or working on something other than these subjects, that will give him the opportunity to continue creating as a professional in the future.

To see more of Kyprianos’ creations, visit his page on Facebook.

Some of the projects he has created have been exhibited and can be found at Saatchi Gallery, in England. Furthermore, he has participated in the worldwide competition of F1 in Schools as the designer of a car applying the aerodynamic principles and designing his team logo. His team’s model won first place in Cyprus and travelled to Austin Texas were they competed with the rest of the first-place winning teams from other countries. Kyprianos’ team received 13th place out of 32 that took part in the competition.

Kyprianos won an International Award for obtaining Full Marks in Art “A” Level in 2014 and also achieved the Highest Mark in Art subject in his school as a senior student. Taking advantage of the passion he had for crafting, during his National Service in a competition organized by the Army of Cyprus and Holy Archbishopric of Cyprus with the topic of ‘fighting against drugs’, he won first prize for a craft he made amongst thousands of other projects.