
Mion (Hermionie Antarti)

Mion (Hermionie Antarti) is returning to this year’s Artists’ Alley!

Hermionie is a 16 year old self-taught artist. Although she likes using several techniques, she has mostly promoted her digital works since they tend to contain nerdy and geeky aspects. Her art journey started when she started growing an interest in anime, which is what also got her into the culture.

She slowly started developing a fondness for artists such as Hayao Miyazaki or even more well known artists such as Van Gogh. Moreover, a big inspiration for Hermionie’s art-style would be Audra Auclair who mixes the geeky and cartoon like style with more traditional aspects.

As far as her current projects, she mainly draws her own creations in a traditional style but she can never seem to get rid of the tendency to draw some fan-art once in a while! She generally likes drawing characters with her own interpretation but of course sometimes she draws just for the fun of it!

Make sure to visit Hermione’s Instagram and Facebook to see more of her work!


Un Sogno (Marianna Pagkratidou & Eleana Vasiliades)

Cyprus Comic Con wants to welcome Marianna Pagkratidou & Eleana Vasiliades to this year’s Artists’ Alley!

Un Sogno is a scientific adventure comic written by Marianna Pagkratidou and illustrated by Eleana Vasiliades.


Marianna completed her BSc in Education Sciences in Early Childhood at Democritus University of Thrace in 2013. She completed her Master’s degree in Cognitive and Educational Psychology in 2015 and is currently a PhD Psychology candidate at the University of Cyprus. Her research interests are in the field of cognitive and experimental psychology and her focus is on the study of human spatial memory. Marianna’s current research explores how we encode spatial information in our memory through narratives and, more specifically, through comics. However, she is not only interested in comics for academic purposes. As a creatively curious individual, she has recently written her own comic, Un Sogno, which means “a dream” in Italian. A dream coming true, and that is only the beginning!


Eleana is a 15-year-old aspiring artist. Born in Nicosia, Cyprus, Eleana has been interested in art from a very young age and started taking drawing lessons at the age of 5. She enjoys watching films, listening to music, dancing, travelling and photography. She became interested in comics after attending a comic book illustration workshop at the Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories, where she had the opportunity to collaborate with comic book writer Marianna Pagkratidou. She found the whole experience fascinating and is looking forward to working on more comic books in the future.

If you want a copy of Un Sogno message their Facebook page to get one!

Special Guest: Ross Mullan, GoT’s White Walker

Ross Mullan

Game of Thrones’ “White Walker”

Special Guest for Cyprus Comic Con 2019!

Cyprus Comic Con has the pleasure of announcing the Canadian-British actor and puppeteer Ross Mullan – mostly known for his appearance in Game of Thrones as the “White Walker” – as one of its Special Guests for this year’s event!

In-Booth Signing, Workshop & Panel information *

Booth Prices

  • Autograph: 15


GoT themed Panel

  • Duration: 1 hour

Workshop – Becoming a Monster

Get a glimpse of how to become a creature specialist at the two exclusive movement based classes taught by Ross Mullan.

One workshop class will be held per day and both classes are limited to just 30 people per class. Attendance is free – book your spot online!

Book your Workshop Spot

*Time & Location to be confirmed once the Cyprus Comic Con 2019 schedule is announced.

How it all started

Ross Mullan was born on January 5th 1967 in Montreal, Canada. Mullan joined Children’s Theatre in the West End of Montreal and later on he completed the theatre programs at John Abbott College and Ryerson University.

After graduating from University, Mullan moved to Ottawa and began working at the Odyssey Theatre. He started his performing career by working mostly in mask and physical theatre companies.

Watch Ross Mullan’s Creature showreel

Moving to the UK

Mullan moved to the UK after going there for holiday and has been living there for over 20 years. Once he moved to the UK he started doing tours with theatre companies in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Some of the productions he has participated in include David Copperfield, Gulliver’s Travels and Sherlock Holmes.

He has also portrayed Orsino in Bath Theatre Royal’s production of Shakespeare’s comedy Twelfth Night and the title character of The Selfish Giant for Leicester Haymarket Theatre. Moreover, he brought to New York City the critically acclaimed play Thick from the Edinburgh festival.

Mullan transitioned to the small screen when the effects department of the show Dinotopia was looking for someone to animate a dinosaur character and make it act like a person, so they chose him for the part. He acted in a British children’s show called Numberjacks (2006) as the “Numbertaker” which is a parody of the “Undertaker” who removes numbers. He also does the voice works for “Nev the Bear” on CBBC’s Bear Behaving Badly (2007-2010).

Ross Mullan as the“White Walker”

Game of Thrones

The prosthetic supervisor of Game of Thrones, Conor O’Sullivan, approached Mullan regarding the role of “White Walker”. The two of them had worked previously together for a film called Clash of the Titans (2010) where Mullan played the role of “Pemphredo”, a character that proved to require an abundance of prosthetics. It took a team of 4 people and 5 hours to completely finish the creation of the “White Walker”, which is no surprise since only a small amount of CGI was used for the steam coming of the character’s body and making his eyes blue. His impressive height 6”4 (193cm) and his sword fighting skills were definitely an advantage for Mullan in terms of landing the part, but he had to undertake five months of horse-riding training in order to prepare himself for the role. However, the most challenging part was the fact that the “White Walker”, did not have any dialogue or lines so Mullan had to bring to life the character through his posture and movements.

Recent works

Apart from his role as the “White Walker” in the Game of Thrones series he has also played the role of one of the werewolves in the indie horror monster movie Howl (2015).  Finally, Mullan has also appeared in episodes of Doctor Who as “The Silence” in “The Time of The Doctor” (2013), “The Teller” in “Time Heist” (2014) and “Wraith” in “Hell Bent” (2015).

Vera Kartalou

Cyprus Comic Con welcomes back author Vera Kartalou to its Artists’ Alley!

Vera Kartalou carries writing as a means of expression and creation. She lovespolice procedural, noir aesthetics, fantasy literature and satire. Her work has been distinguished in creative writing competitions organised by well-known publishing houses and her writings have been published in literary collections and electronic journals such as Chalice, Diavasame, 25thHour Project and 121 words.

Her first book was published in 2016 and was titled “Ο Μπάσταρδος και το μεγάλο κόλπο του Νότου” (“The Bastard and the great stunt of the North”). It is a police adventure novella with intense action and subversive heroes. It is accompanied by 8 noir illustrations by Costas Pantoulas and a world map that was illustrated by Nicos Papamichael. The sequel was published the following year titled “Ο Μπάσταρδος και το μεγάλο κόλπο του Νότου 2” (“The Bastard and the great stunt of the North 2”).

Vera has collaborated with several comic book artists as a script-writer for published works such as “Αιώνια Καταδίκη 1 & 2”, “Biography”, “12 Νοσηρές Ιστορίες” and “Ο Βρυκόλακας Θανάσης Βάγιας”, “Η φυγή”, and “Confessions”, while others such as “Σήψη”, “Batman”, “Dark Heroes”, “Μην Πας”, “Evolution is a Bitch” and “Game of Bones”, were showcased in comic book exhibitions in Athens and Thessaloniki.

Visit Vera’s website to see for more of her work.

In the last few years, she has coordinated and participated in several group exhibitions, including “Διάψευσε Το”, “The Proust Effect”, “V for Versality”, “Βρώμικες Ιστορίες της Πόλης”, “Ενός Κακού Μύρια Έπονται”, “Όπου και να ταξιδέψω η Ελλάδα με πληγώνει” and “The Next Decade(?)”.

In 2017 her and Lydia Elioglou created a literature website called “121 words” where Vera posts short stories of exactly 121 words by Greek and international authors. At the same time she started collaborating with Urnovl, an innovative online literary platform that promotes the networking of readers and writers, and is the site where the stories of “121 Words” are published.

She has attended physical theatre and direction seminars, where she took part in theatrical performances both as an actress and assistant director. In May 2015, she wrote and directed the 3D Comic Performance tiled “Πορεία στο αδιέξοδο” that was presented at Τρένο στο Ρούφ as part of the festival “Τα 12 Κουπέ”.

Lastly, she has collaborated with literary associations for the organising of events, seminars and literary competitions, as well as with the Women’s Counseling Support Center for the Municipality of Keratsini-Drapetsona for the interactive social action “Πνίξε την Βία” (“Choke the Violence”) which informed and raised public awareness of the fight against all forms of violence, as well as the Vakalo College to conduct actions that promote the art of comics in Greece.

Tony Tzanoukakis

Tony Tzanoukakis is returning to Cyprus Comic Con 2019 Artists’ Alley!

Tony is an Greek Australian artist who has been working as a professional Illustrator for the last 6 years. Born in Australia in 1984 he showed his skills in illustration at the early age of 6 winning the city drawing competition. At the age of 10, he returned to Greece with his family where he is currently living and working. He studied graphic design at the technological institution of Athens from where he graduated in 2008.

He became known to the public, by his pinup themed images, where he combines comic characteristics with the beauty of the female form. He is now recognised for his illustrations where dominant element is the high level of detail involved. Over the years he has created over 40 front covers for books. He maintains a partnership as an illustrator with greek board-game company Desyllas Games, with which has illustrated some of the most famous boardgames such as Amphipolis, OMG and EMOJITO (which was nominated as BEST GAME 2018 by Spiel des Jahres). He started illustrating for the online game CRIMINAL CASE since 2014.

Finally, since late 2016, he started appearing in comic conventions in Greece and abroad.

Make sure to visit Tony’s DeviantArt profile, website, Facebook and Instagram for more of his illustrations!