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CCC Official Cosplay Rules & Guidelines 2015
Cyprus Comic Con is a family event that encourages costumes. It is necessary to balance the desire of some of our attendees to accurately portray characters or display items from their collections with the safety of our attendees of all ages, the concerns of the police and local authorities, the terms of the venue, and conditions of the insurers.
To ensure rules compliance, a costume and weapon check will be performed on every cosplayer entering the event.
Cyprus Comic Con reserves the right to confiscate props or withdraw access to the event without refund (if applicable), to anyone deemed to be breaking the following rules. At their discretion, Cyprus Comic Con may alternatively grant dispensation for a costume, weapon or prop usually forbidden by these rules.
Attires & Costumes
- No nudity. Indecent exposure is unacceptable nor are fake, costume, or prosthetic genitalia allowed on display.
- Skimpy costumes are permitted. An amount of coverage comparable to typical swimwear is fine. If planning a skimpy or delicate costume it is recommended that you take extra precautions beneath the costume to avoid exposing yourself.
- Any attendee wearing a bulky costume, or one with poor visibility, should have a handler available to escort him/her. Please ensure bulky costumes are properly ventilated to prevent heat stroke.
Weapons & Props
- Any weapons or replica weapons that are either banned outright or subject to any restrictions from being carried OR sold in this country should not be brought by attendees regardless of any special licences, club memberships or training.
- Projectile weapons (including water pistols, nerf, bb or airsoft guns) must be disabled and unloaded.
- Realistic-looking weapons should be marked with an orange safety tip indicating that they are fake.
- Bladed weapons (such as swords, daggers or ninja stars) or props/costume parts which are sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure will be confiscated. Otherwise, (if possible) they will be peace-bonded (zip-tied to their cases) to prevent them from being unsheathed. Violation of a peace-bind will result in confiscation.
- Solid props which are heavy enough to bludgeon someone with a moderate force swing should be handled with care.
- Attendees will not brandish, point, flail, play-fight, run with, or use their prop in offensive manner. Any weapon used as such will be confiscated.
- Confiscated weapons and props will be held at the cosplay booth until the end of the day.
- Remember there are also restrictions from venues, police, and local authorities. If attendees have any queries regarding the display or transportation of a weapon or prop outside of the hall, it is their responsibility to contact the relevant authority. Police may have confiscated items destroyed without warning. Attendees bring items to an event at their own risk.
During the Stage Show
- No profanity on stage. That includes messages on signs or clothes.
- Do not use any sort of projectile at all! Nothing must leave your person while you are on the stage.
- No explosive devices, or similar special effects are to be used.
If you have any questions contact the Cyprus Comic Con team by emailing us at, asking us through Facebook or posting a comment on this page.
Tag2 Team Studios
Tag2 Team Studios Production Ltd was co-founded by four friends: George Ioannou, George Kyprianou, Tilemachos Tilemachou and Alexandros Iordanou, who share the same passion for comics, Japanese manga and anime.
The idea for creating their own manga came while they were having a conversation over a game of bowling. One thing led to another and they reached the decision to create their own company, in order to promote their work and ideas.
Tag2 Team Studios was created with one purpose: to give opportunities to new and upcoming artists to share their vision and help make the world of manga and anime more known and well-respected in Cyprus, where the company is based.
Follow Tag2 Team Studios on Facebook and also visit their website for more information.
Their first manga currently in production is called ‘Elementum‘ and to stay updated on that you can follow its Facebook page.
‘Elementum‘ is now live on! You can pledge your support for this creative project and help bring it to life!
Tag2 Team Studios would also like to send a message to all local artists that they are open for new collaborations! So if you would like to join their team of artists, you can contact them directly on their Facebook page, or visit their allocated table at the convention!
We are very excited to see new, local talent forming teams and collaborating to create really good quality work!
We hope you are all anticipating to see more of Tag2 Team Studios and of course their first manga, ‘Elementum‘, this coming August! Until then, here’s the Kickstarter trailer:
George Demetriou
George Demetriou is a young aspiring artist from Cyprus. He is 16 years old and currently a student at the Grammar School of Nicosia. George has been drawing since a very young age and the only thing that can compete with his love for art is music.
Art and music have always been his greatest passions and he aspires to be a talented artist and musician. He wishes to pursue an occupation that is relative to art and accomplish all his artistic endeavours. We wish him best of luck!
Currently, George is working on a collaborative comic book with a friend, which they hope to publish sometime in 2016. However, George will reveal a small preview from their comic book at this year’s convention, which he will showcase along with the rest of his artwork and illustrations.
We hope you are all looking forward to seeing George’s work in progress comic and more of his creations this coming August!
Leave us your comments below and stay tuned for more artists to be featured at Cyprus Comic Con 2015!
Cyprus Board Gamers @ CCC’15!
Cyprus Board Gamers is a growing community in Cyprus dedicated to board games and their sole purpose is the promotion of the hobby on the island. With their participation at Cyprus Comic Con they aim to show the public just how amazing the world of board games really is!
Members of the group will be available at their allocated area to present and demonstrate a number of modern board games and to showcase how much board games have changed in recent years. They will also provide details about the group’s regular meetings in Nicosia and Limassol.
For more information, you can join Cyprus Board Gamers on Facebook.
“When we play a board game, it’s so that we can travel to mythical islands, grow civilizations with great cities, solve mysteries and save the world. The best aspect of our hobby is that we get to do all of these with our friends and families. Laughing and talking. We love board games and we want you to feel the same way. ” – Cyprus Board Gamers
If you also love board games or want to be re-introduced to them, keep an eye out for the Cyprus Board Gamers table area at the convention – you are sure to find more like-minded people there and even meet new friends to play with!
Cyprus Comic Con is all about helping this kind of communities grow and we are thrilled to be able to offer a platform for so many diverse groups of people to get together around shared interests and hobbies!
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