
ANT1 Radio 102.7 and 103.7


Cyprus Comic Con is thrilled to inform you ANT1 Radio 102,7 and 103,7 as our exclusive radio media sponsor for CCC’16.

ANT1 will host live links during the event with special shows dedicated to our favorite super heroes and exclusive hosting in their studio.

ANT1 Radio 102.7 and 103.7 is a local radio station broadcasting  since 1998 which offers musical entertainment daily.

Check out ANT1 Radio’s official Facebook page here.

Returning Special Guest: Yannis ‘Rubus’ Rubulias

Cyprus Comic Con is proud to welcome back Yannis “Rubus” Rubulias as one of our esteemed Special Guests at this year’s convention!

Follow Rubus’ work on Deviant Art and Facebook.

Artist by day, Monster Slayer and Swordman Hero by night, Yannis “Rubus” Rubulias was born in mythical Athens, Greece, 1982. When he is not saving the World, he works as a professional illustrator and comic book artist since 2005.

He is the creator of the award winning fantasy series “The Dragonphoenix Chronicles”. The first 14 issues were published from 2005 to 2009 and the were collected in an Omnibus volume in 2014. The series continues, up to this day, with stories of various characters venturing throughout the mythical lands of  Elebros.

From 2011 till 2013 he worked for Arcana Comics (“Deadly Harvest”, “Zipper vs Dominatrix: The Slave Trade”, “The Steam Engines of Oz”). He is currently working for ARH ComiX as a comic artist ( “Arhian, the Head Huntress”, “Arkhorian Wars”).

Occasionally a film writer and actor, he has also worked as a freelancer concept artist for various products and companies. His greatest cinematic project so far is the award winning independent fantasy feature film “The Dragonphoenix Chronicles : Indomitable” (2013), based on the world he created for  “The Dragonphoenix Chronicles” comics. Hey, you should watch it – it’s cool!

Deadline Reminder for CCC16 Film Festival

filmfestdeadlineAre you a local or international filmmaker trying to prove yourself in the exciting world of genre cinema?

Don’t forget to submit your fantastically cool short films in this year’s Cyprus Comic Con Film Festival and get a chance to get your film screened at one of Mediterranean’s coolest cons!

Regular deadline is coming up fast on the 24th of July, but if you need a few more days you can still submit by the 7th of August with our late deadline.

Behind the Scenes of CCC16’s Trailer Shoot!

Last Monday July 18, the filming for this year’s Cyprus Comic Con official trailer was completed!

Cosplayers, zombies and innocent passersby all contributed to the insanely fun teaser video to be unleashed very soon on to the web as well as your local cinema!

We were there to capture some of backstage craziness to give you a taste of what to expect!

Lights, Camera, Action!

Shield-maiden Lagertha and Death prepare to fight it off, but not before doing a few cute poses for our camera.

Special FX artist Rakis Georgiou created this incredible zombie makeup on our very own Nick Aristides.

Thor himself took a break from shooting his upcoming movie and visited our shoot location to take some photos with his zombie fans and to make fun of everyone for not being able to lift his hammer.

And look who else got to visit our set! None other than your friendly neighbourhood – oh wait a minute…

Meanwhile, we discovered that Death also has a playful side to him.

Our team of Comic Con staff and volunteers, always works hard and plays even harder! Although that zombie isn’t looking too great, I think it might be getting hungry!

To our pleasant surprise, a team of young and brave heroes arrived at the scene to sort out our mess and keep us in order!

“While waiting for Bus 39…” photo by Ektoras Papageorgiou


Well our bus never arrived, so we just decided to have a party!

It was simply love at first sight for Thor and Deadpool who just couldn’t take their eyes off each other. <3


Andreas “Splash” Kyriacou
Nicos Tsouris
Andreana Lemonari
Nyree Hapetian
Nick Aristides
Andy Markides
Frixos Masouras
Nicholas Tsinontas
Constantina Charalambous
Christoforos Christofidou


Directed and Edited by Andreas “Splash” Kyriacou
Cinematography by Andreas Kopriva
Special Makeup FX by Rakis Georgiou
Story by Andreas “Splash” Kyriacou
Cosplayer Coordinator Helen Christofi
1st Assistant Director Harry Ayiotis
1st Assistant Camera Ektoras Papageorgiou
Sound Recording by Giorgos Adamides
Production Assistants Crystal Michael and Neil Barnett
Catering Naja Love

Camera Equipment provided by The Thumbkey
Post Production Services provided by

Special Thanks to Giorgos Vavanos

Lastly, here’s a very fuzzy photo of the tired, but happy crew together.

Thank you everyone for your hard work!

EuroCosplay Championships

CCC-EUROCOSPLAYCyprus Comic Con’s Cosplay Competition is now a EuroCosplay Championship Qualifier!


What does this mean?

The EuroCosplay Championships are a series of cosplay competitions held in conventions and other similar partner events all over Europe. The winner of each competition receives the honour of representing their country in the EuroCosplay Final which is held annually at the MCM London Comic Con in October.

With Cyprus Comic Con now becoming one of its partner events, the CCC Cosplay Competition becomes a EuroCosplay Qualifier, meaning, the eligible winner of this September’s Cosplay Competition will get to represent Cyprus in London this coming October!

The eligible CCC Cosplay winner will not only be awarded with the usual grand prizes, but will also receive a return plane ticket to London, accommodation for 2 nights and a VIP weekend pass to the October 2016 MCM London Comic Con.

More about EuroCosplay

The EuroCosplay Final is one of the biggest international cosplay contests with over 30 countries participating. The judging panel of the London Final is always comprised of big names from the international cosplay scene flown in from America or Asia. The main focus of the judges is craftsmanship and all participating cosplayers are scored according to their accuracy 40%, costume construction 40% and performance 20%.

All participants are first inspected by the judges in a private session before the stage show, then they are given half a minute on stage to perform a quick skit which best shows off their costume such as a dance or performance (e.g. sword swinging and posing), a song or even a short theatrical performance.

Visit the EuroCosplay Facebook Page, Twitter or Website.

How do I qualify?

In order to be eligible for representing Cyprus in the EuroCosplay 2016 Final, you need to:

  • Be 18 years old and over by the date of the contest (28/10/2016)
  • Be of Cypriot nationality with relevant documents OR have lived in Cyprus for 3 years or more
  • Have a fully handmade costume which was made by yourself with minor help from others
  • Be available to travel to the UK from the 28th until the 30th of October 2016 with valid travel documents
  • Comply to all of the rules in the official EuroCosplay rulebook (linked below)


In the case that the the 1st place winner of the CCC Cosplay Competition is not eligible per the above rules, the next best eligible position holder will qualify. The Cyprus representative will be accompanied by CCC organisers during the event.