Artist Profile: George Komiotis

George Komiotis is our next Featured Artist who will be showcasing his work at CCC16!

George studied  illustration at applied arts centre “Ornerakis” and is currently working professionally as a freelance artist since 1998 for various magazines, newspapers and publishing houses, creating short comics and strips, illustrations, portraits, children’s books, storyboards and animations!

You can find out more information about George on this page. Visit his DeviantArt profile for more samples of his work!

Some of his more well-known projects include the comic book series “Moufa” and Psychakias” for insert “9” of “Eleutherotypia”, as well as the series “Ohi allo Karvouno” for the magazine “PC Master”. Furthermore, for a number of years, he has created many illustrations, portraits, comics and strips for the insert “Erevnites” of “Kathimerini” newspaper. He has also collaborated with several other publications such as Maxim, Galera, Metro, etc.

Special Guest: Dani

We first introduced Dani as one of our Featured Artists at last year’s event. This year, Cyprus Comic Con is proud to welcome Dani back as one of our esteemed Special Guest artists!

Visit Dani’s page on Facebook and follow her on Instagram and Tumblr to stay updated with her work.

Dani was born in Athens, Greece in 1992 and studied sculpturing in Athens School of Fine Arts. She has been making comics for quite a while now and has participated in a number of exhibitions, competitions and conventions over the years. Dani has worked for 2000AD and is the creator and designer of “Tales from the Strips”, a self-published series that won the Reader’s Choice Award at the Greek Comics Awards 2015. She loves her cats and travelling around the world!

Artist Profile: Marios Ppoulis

Marios Ppoulis will be returning to Cyprus Comic Con as one of our Featured Artists for CCC16!

Marios is a young 25-year-old artist who is currently based in Larnaca. He discovered his skills in drawing and painting at a very young age. Through the years, he has competed in a variety of art-related competitions for drawing and painting. He completed his studies in Fine Art, at Liverpool John Moore’s University in the United Kingdom.

To see more of Marios’ paintings and illustrations, you can follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

Marios is now the proud owner of his own studio and art gallery in Larnaca, where he creates his paintings, his tattoo designs and even portraits. He is a huge fan of comics and Japanese manga and has an extensive portfolio of original artwork as well as fan art of his favourite superhero, video game and movie characters, which you will all get to see at this year’s Cyprus Comic Con!


Artist Profile: Naya Kozlova

Meet Naya Kozlova, an upcoming young illustrator that will be showcasing her work at Cyprus Comic Con 2016!

Naya was born in Latvia, raised on the shore of the non-freezing port of the Baltic Sea, moved to Cyprus for family reasons approximately 6-7 years ago. As a kid, around eight years old, she used to attend private classes of a local artist. That did not last long – her dog was not quite as fond of an enthusiastic young girl as you would expect it to be. Thus art became a hobby and English along with normal school subjects became priority.

Follow Naya’s work on her Youtube, Instagram and Tumblr profiles, as well as her Facebook feed.

Fortunately, Naya says, if art lives within you, it never leaves you. There were doodles in class notebooks, copy sketches from local shop supplies of W.I.T.C.H. magazines and, finally, a music channel that showed “Chobits” and “Chrono Crusade” in the evening. Later came Internet and the wonders of Studio Ghibli along with more doodles in class notebooks. Ivy can remember well, that no one could really figure out whether to shout at her, because her grades were good despite the fact that half of my notebooks looked like manga.

Somehow, drawing never became a job for Naya. Completely self-trained in arts, finishing a diploma in Communications, she continued working in an office, meanwhile establishing an Instagram profile and a YouTube channel. She is currently working on a story with original characters and filming sketchbook reviews in Russian and English, part-time designing tattoos.

Artist Profile: Annelise Ross-Clunis

Talented upcoming illustrator Annelise Ross-Clunis will be one of our Featured Artists at CCC16!

Annelise’s birth country is South Africa, but with Cypriot and Swedish ties. In her earlier years her drawings were mostly illustrations in pencil and ink, then she moved on to study Graphic Design.

Make sure to follow her work on Facebook to stay up to date with her new work.

Presently she works mainly with Acrylic paints on canvas. She finds herself drawn towards genres such as pop surrealism and fan art. Some pieces are highly detailed, to convey a story or a feeling, while in some cases there is a hidden meaning behind innocent-looking characters.

Her most recent work is illustrating a book of weird and wonderful creatures. An exhibition of some of A.R.Clunis original paintings will be held in January 2017 in Nicosia.