Jean V. Hiol & George Charalampous
Cyprus Comic Con wants to welcome Jean V. Hiol & George Charalampous to its Artists’ Alley!
Jean Valery Hiol studied Graphic Design at European Univercity Cyprus. He got into illustrations and comics after his studies and did some small projects. He is interested in learning always new things and collaborating with other artists. His style is non realistic, surreal and cartoonish.
To see more of Jean’s individual work you can visit his Instagram.
George Charalampous was born in 1993 and he is an artist from Cyprus. He studied at the University of the West of England (Alexander College) and got a degree in Fine Arts. George also obtained a BTEC Foundation DIploma in art and design from Aigaia School of Art & Design.
To see more of George’s individual work here.
Jean and George united their work and formed a team by the time they started to act as a team in various other matters and experiences as well; like the vagrant actions in the streets of the neighbourhood, the weird scenes they faced, the solutions they found, the injustices and discrimination they went through and their drunken night. In other words, simply life. Their primary interest is the portrayal of unique and atypical art and not necessarily the “pretty” and “aesthetic”, nor the industrial and commercial side of art. We imagine a form of art that is free and spontaneous in terms of expression and style, and unrestricted by meaning and essence. Some are portraying bizarre dreams and others are just paper-pads containing fragmented nightmares of our sleep. A number of them are childhood traumas, phobias and fears, drunken thoughts and others just comforting fantasies and illusions from lousy conversations.
Yiangos Parmenides & Aliki Papafotiou
We are excited to have Yiangos Parmenides & Aliki Papafotiou to this year’s Artists’ Alley!
Yiangos is an 18 year-old self-taught artist who loved drawing and superheroes from a kid and decided to blend them into action packed pieces of art.
Aliki is both self-taught and also has been taking art classes. She usually chooses to draw fantasy which depicts beautifully with her unique style.
Yiangos and Aliki started collaborating years ago, as they were both taking the same art classes.
Visit Yiangos and Aliki‘s instagram pages to see more of their artwork!
N U G G E T (Victoria Ganshin)
Cyprus Comic Con is excited to have N U G G E T (Victoria Ganshin) join this year’s Artists’ Alley!
Victoria Ganshin is a 17 year-old self taught artist and she has been drawing since she was 3 years old. She is an illustrator looking for an opportunity to display her art. She mostly works digitally. Victoria is a student at the 3rd technical school in Nicosia and she is currently working on a comic book that she is looking forward to displaying in this year’s Cyprus Comic Con!
You can see more of Victoria’s artwork on her Facebook and Instagram.
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