
Mix FM supports CCC14!

We’re extremely pleased to announce that The Island’s No.1 Hit Music Station Mix FM is Cyprus Comic Con’s supporting and promoting station.

Mix FM has been broadcasting the best music hits since February 2002 all over Cyprus, delivering live links, competitions, promotions and big events on annual basis.

Mix FM’s website:


Cosplay Frequently Asked Questions

I’m a cosplayer and I want to take part in the cosplay contest. How do I apply?

  • Register online right here right now!
  • or you can visit the cosplay registration desk on the event day (until 2pm)

Either way, you have to present yourself at the desk by 2pm the latest otherwise you lose your chance to compete!

lioncatBut what will I have to do as a contestant?

There will be three stages to it:

  • The private judging starting at 2pm. All of you will be escorted outside the “judges’ headquarters” where you will enter one by one to present your costume and character as well as you can! Not to worry though, this is not an exam of any sort, the judges will be a small group of chill happy people who rumour has it, gives out candy.
  • The cosplay parade will take place on the main stage at 5pm. All contestants will be called and presented on stage for a brief chance to show off your haute couture costume or dance the robot or just stand there awkwardly and wave at your mum. The presenters will make sure to nudge you in the right direction with their commentary.
  • The winner announcements and consequent prize-giving will happen right after the parade finishes. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you will be called on stage and given something very, very, veeeery nice (hint hint hint – to be announced soon!).

I’m a cosplayer but I don’t want to take part in the contest. Do I have to inform anyone or register?

Nope, simply come to the event like any other person would. Just be advised that the cosplay rules still apply to you too. So if you are carrying a weapon or wearing spiky things, come by the registration desk to get approval otherwise we’ll hunt you down and eat your brains.

I’m a cosplayer who’s not participating in the contest but I want to take part in the parade. Is this possible?

It sure is! Just come by the registration desk and make sure to let us know of your intention!


Cosplay Announcements

With just 13 days to go until the big day, it’s time for some cosplay-related announcements:
ao no catWe are thrilled to report that we’ve already received an impressive amount of registrations thus officially making this (by far) the biggest cosplay contest ever to happen on the island. That is roughly 3-5 times the size of the ones you might have witnessed before in Cyprus and so are the prizes!

If you are interested in taking part in the cosplay contest, online registrations are still OPEN and will remain so until the evening of September 12th.

And as uncle Ben might not have actually said, with a great number of cosplay contestants, comes great responsibility. We have assembled an energetic team of volunteers who will be stationed at the cosplay registration desk near the front door. These people will guide you, help you along and answer all of your questions regarding any cosplay matters. You can also pick up some info flyers reminding you of all relevant happenings on the day so you don’t miss out on anything!

creeperAll of you non-cosplaying people! You still have time to devise a costume and partake in this! It might not be Carnival season or Halloween but nobody cares, cause at least 1 in 10 attendees will be in costume!

Here, are some cosplay ideas, tips and tricks that could potentially light your cosplay fire:



CCC celebrates local genre filmakers with open air screenings

The 2014 edition of the Cyprus Comic Con celebrates local genre filmmakers with an open air screening showcasing some of the best efforts in the last few years.

Witness the first Cypriot superhero (Whispers – 2013), tales of eternal love (Styx – 2008), a survival quest through a zombie-infected Cyprus (On the Brink – 2013), a gritty noir adaptation of a Greek myth (Oedipus – 2010), a man-eating newborn (Newborn – 2013) and a group of uncanny lady-criminals (Mad Dame – 2011) in what we can assure you it is just a small sample of local filmmakers aiming for the sky.

The screenings will take place at the open-air amphitheater starting 19:00 sharp; English subtitles will be displayed with all films. Some of the creators will also be available for short Q&A sessions between showings.

The film screenings are sponsored by Synergia Media.

Η φετινή έκδοση του Cyprus Comic Con γιορτάζει και τους ντόπιους παραγωγούς ταινιών, με ανοικτές προβολές που θα δείχνουν μερικές από της κορυφαίες προσπάθειες των τελευταίων χρόνων.

Δείτε τον πρώτο Κύπριο Υπερήρωα (Whispers-2013), ιστορίες παντοτινής αγάπης (Styx – 2008), μια περιπέτεια επιβίωσης μέσα από μιας μολυσμένης -από ζόμπι- Κύπρου (On the Brink – 2013), μιας σκοτεινής προσαρμογής σε στυλ Noir ενός ελληνικού μύθου (Oedipus – 2010), ένα… πεινασμένο νεογέννητο (Newborn – 2013) και μια παράξενη ομάδα από γυναίκες κακοποιούς (Mad Dame – 2011). Φιλμ που μπορούμε να σας διαβεβαιώσουμε πως είναι ένα μικρό δείγμα ότι οι ντόπιοι παραγωγοί ταινιών, έχουν υψηλές φιλοδοξίες.

Οι προβολές θα γίνουν στο ανοικτό αμφιθέατρο, ξεκινώντας στις 19:00 με όλες τις ταινίες να έχουν αγγλικούς υποτίτλους. Μερικοί από τους δημιουργούς των ταινιών θα είναι διαθέσιμοι για μικρή διάρκεια ερωταπαντήσεων μεταξύ των προβολών, οι οποίες είναι προσφορά της Synergia Media.


Many cool activities and freebies from Isengard!

Dear Magic friends from far and wide!

It has been a very fun and exciting journey expanding Magic the Gathering in Cyprus for over two years now, and the time has finally come for all of us to start enjoying the benefits of our thriving community on a completely new grand scale! This journey has resulted in Isengard becoming an Advanced WPN Store recently, as we are sure many of you are already aware! For this we are thankful, first and foremost to you, the players!

This momentous occasion conveniently happens to coincide only with the biggest Gamers Event to take place on our nerd-buzzing island; the first ever Cyprus Comic Con! We are happy to announce that we have been invited by the Comic Con organizing panel to officially represent the game of Magic at the convention, and of course we have eagerly accepted! Isengard will be making a very strong presence at the event with the hope of spreading the game we so much love to an unprecedented crowd of new potential players within the best possible setting imaginable! And of course, we are planning something very special for the veteran gamers as well!

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