
The Dragonphoenix Chronicles: Indomitable @ CCC’15 Film Fest!

The Dragonphoenix Chronicles: Indomitable Press Release

The Dragonphoenix Chronicles: Indomitable comes to Cyprus Comic Con 2015 Film Fest!

Based on the comic book series titled The Dragonphoenix Chronicles, from acclaimed Greek comic creator Yannis Roumboulias, the movie is the first Greek comic book adaptation of its  kind to get the big screen treatment.

Yannis Roumboulias is also one of our Special Guests this year so make sure to visit his booth in the main room of Filoxenia Conference Centre!

For more information, visit the Indomitable Official Website and Facebook page.

Check out the Indomitable trailer on Youtube or Dailymotion!

Indomitable won the Best Sets & Costumes award at the Cyprus International Film Festival and was also nominated for Best Cinematography. It has since been presented at numerous film festivals worldwide to much acclaim. At the Opening Nights, it won the applause of hundreds of spectators in 2 sold out screenings, who thoroughly enjoyed the adventures of mighty barbarian warrior Dragar (Yannis Roumboulias) against the forces of an entire empire, dark magical powers and bloodthirsty warriors.

Award winning director Thanos Kermitsis collaborated with both famous Greek actors such as Meletis Georgiadis as well as young and talented upcoming actors. Although the film was created with the modest budget of around 10,000 Euro, which was derived exclusively by a crowdfunding campaign, the incredible artistry involved in the making of the costumes, scenery, soundtrack and special effects have established Indomitable as a uniquely exceptional and special contribution to Greek cinema.

Mr. Yannis Roumboulias will be present at the Cyprus Comic Con Film Fest screening doing a Q&A Session with the audience and will give out film memorabilia to lucky winners.

Starring: Yannis Roumboulias, Meletis Georgiadis, Constantina Georganta, Thanos Kermitsis, Georgia Giannakoudi, Kiriakos Korogiannis, George Mpougos, Aris Kaplanidis, Konstantina Tatsi, Thanos Liakos, Vasilis Logios

Directed by Thanos Kermitsis and Written for the Screen by Thanos Kermitsis, Yannis Roumboulias & John Tzouvelekis

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack composed by Dimitris Papavasileiou.

Synergia Media supports CCC’15!

We are extremely happy to announce that S. Synergia Media is one of the companies which supports our second Cyprus Comic Con! Synergia Media will sponsor the film section of our event, the sound equipment and sound control of the Winter’s Verge band as well as the gaming tournaments!

Company Profile
1235127_221406494680847_165306313_nS. Synergia Media Ltd was created by the merging of two of the biggest companies in the area of professional sound, visual, professional lighting, conference and interpretation systems, organizing and producing conferences, congresses and events. The team of S. Synergia Media has been in the field of providing such services for more than 18 years.

S. Synergia Media Ltd is now a leading force among rental companies that deals with visual, professional sound, professional lighting, conference and interpretation systems in the Cyprus market. Each event, from the simplest to the most complicated one, is classified as important. Therefore, each customer’s need is carefully examined in detail and with the appropriate respect. The company’s main aim remains to present the most professional and productive result.

Their vision lies on the expansion of the company and the ongoing update of our services, by keeping up with any new technology in sound, vision and light equipment, conference & interpretation systems and design and construction tools. Furthermore, their high skilled personnel constantly attends seminars within or outside the company so as to be trained in new technologies, products and customer relations.

At the same time, S. Synergia Media Ltd continuously explores new ways of providing its services in the most efficient way, as well as new area fields so as to offer the most completed packages of services possible.

S. Synergia Media Ltd aims to offer a complete package of equipment and services to the customers, so as to help them in the most convenient and still professional way. They guide their customers all the way through, consulting them and helping them so as to achieve the most desired results.

Their services are provided by experienced and well trained personnel, using the newest and most advanced technology as well as the most reliable and compatible equipment. The company’s primary concern is the fulfilment of the customers’ needs, to keep all customers satisfied by providing our services in the best possible way with competitive prices.

Company Website:
Facebook Page:

Winter’s Verge Interview with CCC!

wintersvergesmallAs promised since announcing their participation at Cyprus Comic Con!

Members of popular local power metal band Winter’s VergeAndy Kopriva (guitar) and Miguel Trapezaris (bass) reveal their geeky side in an up close and personal interview with CCC!

So are you guys “geeky” at all? Who is the geekiest of the members?

Andy Kopriva – Absolutely. I am an avid consumer of pop-culture.
Miguel Trapezaris – I think most of us could be considered ‘geeky’! I’ve always been into comic books, video games (up to a point) and general nerdy stuff. I have an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek, and have spent a worrying amount of time and effort on pursuits which can only be described as geeky. As for who the ‘geekist’ member of the band is, that’s a tough question! Harry, Andy and George are all really into their video games, George is a Warhammer player as am I and into a lot of fantasy-related stuff… I think we’re a pretty nerdy band overall! Only Danny may not fit into that description, although since his life is like a fantasy movie at times, maybe he doesn’t need to!

What is your relationship to comics then? Any favourite titles, favourite characters?

AK – When growing up I used to love the old (circa-mid 80s approx.) Conan comics along with Asterix. I then discovered Manga comics around the age of 12-13 (so around 1995) and loved Genocyber. That said, I was never really a collector of comic books but would thoroughly enjoy animated/film adaptations with some favorites being Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Watchmen, Dragonball, Sin City and a whole bunch more. Most recently, the film adaptation of Attack on Titan was pretty cool. Silly, but cool.
MT – My first exposure to what you could call ‘comics’ was Asterix and Tintin – really great fun. After that I was a huge Spider-Man, Batman and Iron Man fan as a kid, I’d get my hands on the comics as often as possible. Superman was always around as well, and I’d get those every now and then, but I didn’t find him as relatable as Spider-Man or Iron Man (which is somewhat strange since I am not an alcoholic multi-millionaire engineering genius…) X-Men was a constant part of my life as well until a later age, and then I sort of moved away from comics and got more into fantasy novels.

How did the comic book idea for the new album come about?

AK – The majority of Winter’s Verge material, since the band’s inception really, is story-based. Following the recent lineup change, we considered the idea of beginning to flesh out the characters and their stories in a more substantial way and a comic book seemed like the most appropriate delivery method. We chose the Forsaken storyline, as it was the longest running story, consisting of four parts, each of which were on a different album. Ergo, it functioned as a good starting point as there was already a bit of an arc in place.
MT – for sure, we have such a strong narrative element to the band that it just made sense. Most of our songs already fit into a fantasy theme after all, so we figured why not just consolidate everything? As soon as we had the idea for it, we got really excited – it totally opened up new doors, you know? As well as the Forsaken storyline, we always have songs about sailing, the sea, the ocean, and figured that there was no reason all those couldn’t take place in the same world. I think all of this has been happening all along subconsciously.

Growing up did you obsess over any video games?

AK – I’ve been playing video games for the past 30 years or so, having started at the tender age of 2 on an X086 pc with its glorious CGA/EGA graphics! I’ve pretty much consumed every bit of video game related content for that duration in one way or the other. So yea, pretty obsessed. Old favorites include the old Sierra adventure games (King’s Quest series, Quest for Glory etc), the Lucasarts games (The Dig, Full Throttle, Sam and Max), most good FPS (Quake series, the Doom series, Unreal and Unreal Tournament, Blood, Duke Nukem 3D), some RPGs (Daggerfall series and then the Elder Scrolls with Oblivion being the most played, Fallout – all of them, though I kinda preferred the 2d ones, Diablo – all of them, Torchlight I & II, Final Fantasy VII and VIII), fighting games (SF series though I’m not really that great at it, Tekken series with 3 being an all time fave, Samurai Showdown series, Bushido Blade on the PS1 because it was pretty unconventional), a couple of strategy games (C&C up until Generals, a bit of Starcraft, a bit of Warcraft (1-3), Black and White, Syndicate & Syndicate Wars, UFO Enemy Unknown (the original) and a bunch of other Microprose titles) and yea, that’s all I can think of right now!
MT – Well, my first exposure to video games was before I can even remember – I think it was like, Prince of Persia on DOS or something. Anyway, when consoles became a thing and having decent home computers was possible for people who weren’t super-rich or drug dealers, I started getting into a lot of flight simulators (TFX: EF2000, ATF and Strike Commander were some of my favourites) and of course strategy games (Command & Conquer, Warcraft 2 and Dune 2 especially). I also really enjoyed all the Star Wars-related games (Dark Forces, X-Wing, Tie Fighter, X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter (bet you didn’t see that coming), Battlefront) and was a big fan of all the usual FPS games (Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake). I was also really into adventure games – Full Throttle and Gabriel Knight had a big impact on me.

Do you still play and what?

AK – I still enjoy video games and believe that they have evolved in interesting ways (eg. ‘Dear Esther’, ‘Gone Home’) though nowadays time is fairly restricted. At this point, I’ll occasionally play Diablo 3 with my wife or spend the odd hour here and there on an interesting looking indie game, such as The Forest. I’ve considered looking into ARK as well, though, apparently the online community is relentless and I don’t have the time to be as vigilant as required. If I find the time, I have a backlog of around 260 Steam games waiting for me – damned sales!
MT – I haven’t really been able to play games all that much now… since I was always playing on a PC, which kept needing upgrades to keep up with all the best games, I eventually fell behind when all my spare resources started going to music-related costs and Warhammer. I am however really happy that lots of great PS2 games have started coming out on IOS, which means I’m now playing through GTA: San Andreas on my iPad. It’s a lot of fun.

Console or PC?

AK – Primarily PC though I have owned consoles before. After the previous generation, I saw them as redundant since they’re practically budget PCs at this point considering that they’re built with slightly customized off-the-shelf parts.
MT – PC for sure.

Do you like board games or TCG (trading card games)?

AK – Never really got into board games though I remember having and liking Hero’s Quest when growing up. As far as TCGs are concerned, I got into a few variations through video games such as the one in Final Fantasy VIII and, more recently Hearthstone, and I enjoyed them. I like the premise and can understand, and appreciate the dedication exhibited by ardent fans/collectors/players but I was never drawn in to the point of setting up a Magic deck and hunting cards etc.
MT – Does Warhammer count as a board game? If so, that. Anyone who gets it, gets it – it is all-consuming, both in terms of time and resources.
I don’t really play it much anymore for time reasons, but I am into Magic: The Gathering, which is also a drain on resources but at least less time-consuming!

What about movies – are you into fiction, sci-fi, superheroes?

AK – All of the above though they are pretty difficult to pull off masterfully. Superhero film have grown somewhat tiresome due to Marvel’s incessant barrage with some feeling, despite their opulence and skillfully crafted visual prowess, somewhat hollow.
Regarding sci-fi, things get even more complicated as it’s pretty hard to pull something off which manages to be both interesting and plausible. That said, I loved Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror series.
MT – I love Sci-Fi and fantasy movies. I will usually enjoy the occasional superhero movie, although I don’t think any have really lived up to the Dark Knight which was really what boosted the whole genre into overdrive. The studios seem to have gotten the formula right and people are happy to spend money watching them (apart from the last Superman film, which started well and ended up boring) but let’s see how long this goes on for.

What was the last film you watched at the cinema and really enjoyed?

AK – I don’t particularly like going to the cinema anymore as I find it fairly difficult to concentrate on the actual movie due to external factors (ie bad seating, crowds). We watched Jurassic World recently and it was a fairly enjoyable, high budget, B-movie.
MT – Interstellar for sure. I love Kubrick’s 2001, and am generally a huge fan of Arthur C. Clarke’s books, so it was really interesting to see Nolan’s take on what was basically the same theme. I mean, people were going on about the science not being spot on, and nit picking and whatnot, but as Nolan put it, they really should’ve just enjoyed the ride. It’s a film vast in scope and an amazing achievement.

Let’s talk series! Any binge-worthy titles?

AK – Tons really. The aforementioned Black Mirror series, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell is exquisitely crafted and worth watching, Sherlock, Fargo, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are both phenomenal shows and masterful character studies, Jane the Virgin was a fun a little show with an interesting take on the telenovela format which actually worked, Mr Robot is brilliant as well though season 1 isn’t finished yet, How to Get Away with Murder was also pretty fun.
On the comedy side, the most recent one binged was Catastrophe which was a charming story with amazing chemistry between the leads. The same can be said about Episodes as well.
MT – If I spent all the time I’ve spent watching Star Trek on other pursuits, I’d probably have a PhD or something by now. It’s addictive. I really like Weeds – short episodes make it so easy to end up watching 5 or 6 in a row. I am also totally in love with the Fargo series, and am anxiously awaiting the new season – perfect mix of extremely black humor, horrific violence and homely, Minnesota politeness. Twin Peaks was of course one of the big ones for me, and the fact that David Lynch will be back along with the full cast to produce a new season has me dizzy with anticipation!

Tell us about Winter’s Verge’s plans for the future, do you have any upcoming gigs after the con for the promotion of the new album?

AK – Winter’s Verge is currently working on some pretty interesting and somewhat unconventional ways of developing as an entity. We’re definitely promoting the new album with a dedicated show on the 11th of September and are currently looking into touring opportunities for 2016. In tandem to that, we will reveal parts of our larger, long term plan in the near future.
MT – We’re hoping to get a lot of attention for our next show on 11th September from Comic Con. We’re also looking for the next tour that would be right for us, so I guess watch this space!

Where do you want to take your music next?

AK – In new and interesting places really. The current focus is to enrich the story-telling component of our music through a variety of different ways which we’re currently exploring. We’re also fairly aware of both the industry’s shifts and the way that music is being consumed and distributed in this day and age and are exploring ways to provide our fans and listeners the best possible experiences.
MT – I think now that this new lineup is settled, we can really start experimenting and seeing what kind of sound would be the best for going forward! We’re not short of ideas, this much is sure.

Lastly, are you excited to be playing at Cyprus Comic Con this year?

AK – Exceptionally!
MT – Absolutely, it’s an amazing opportunity for us to reach out to all kinds of new fans, and we’re totally thrilled and honoured about being able to do that!

Featured Shop: Fingerprint Blockmountings

website banner

Fingerprint Blockmountings will be attending for a second consecutive year Cyprus Comic Con, offering to their guests some cool coasters, clocks and blockmountings.

Here’s what they say for their participation: “We are very excited that for a second consecutive year, Fingerprint Blockmountings will attend Comic Con Cyprus. Since last year’s amazing turn out (Comic Con 2014), we have doubled our stock, to bring you more awesome blockmounts, coaster and clocks. This year we are also happy to help out our organizers, and also give out a prize for a Cos play winner.
We will have stock of 150 blockmounts of different posters and digital prints. They range  from DC Comics and Marvel, various anime like Attack on Titan, Bleach, One piece, some international fan art and many many more. You can go through our collection of 400 coasters, with some of them come in a pair. We are also bringing 12 clocks, with our heroes logos on them.
If you miss your chance of getting any of our blockmounts at Comic Con, we can remake you the same, or any design you want. You can also bring in your own art, photos, prints, drawings, paintings. We can blockmount any of them for you at amazing and reasonable prices. (Unfortunately blockmounting takes couple of days to finish, so any orders can not be delivered during the Comic Con).
Our booth will be to your left as you enter the hall. You will spot our 3 meter banner from far and we hope to see you all there”.
For more details and information you can visit their website ( or their Facebook page (

Artist Profile: Uncl Paul

Uncl Paul is a comic book artist from Greece! Uncl Paul wanted to introduce himself in his own personal style:

“Uncl Paul is a nickname…!!! Like all nicknames, my friends made it up and I got stuck with it! My real name you can’t find out or you will have to die…

Before the Uncl Paul nickname and my participation in the tattoo industry for the past 4 years, I used to be a really determined comic book junkie! I collected them, read them, talked to them, and of course would DRAW my own comics! That was the main reason I entered The Athens School of Fine Arts (that and the fact that I didn’t like any other university) and also the reason why I finished the course as fast as I could (they don’t really like comics in ASFA).

While studying there and spending a lot of time raging against my tutors (well, most of them anyway) I wrote, created and self-hand printed my very first (and only so far) comic book, titled “Σημεία και Τέρατα”, which was limited to 25 copies and it was silkscreen printed and handbook binded by me (yes, also I had to learn how to stitch).

After I completed my university degree and since I was already working as a tattooer (albeit, not successfully), I didn’t have a lot of time (or money) to draw more issues of “Σημεία και Τέρατα”, so a really good friend of mine and co-artist, named Babisu created and released the second issue! Thus, for the last few years I haven’t been as dedicated to comic books, but I still love them with all my heart and hope to be able to return to working on them full time soon! Currently, I only create commissioned fan art mostly for collectors and I help out my teammate Dani (shout-out to 9092!).

I won’t tell you neither my age,  nor the colour of my eyes, or how fat, thin, beautiful or ugly I am, neither will you find any pictures of me anywhere on the net (hopefully), but for any work-related questions (give this man his space!), you can email me at and hopefully you will get an answer…!!

Hugs and kisses from your UNCL.”