
Andrea Pavlou

Meet our next Featured Artist for CCC16, talented illustrator Andrea Pavlou!

Andrea Pavlou (aka Akina) is a young artist from Cyprus, who throughout her life has been experimenting with different types of art such as fine art, photography, digital film, concept art and illustration. Art has always been a creative outburst, in which she could expand and broaden her artistic side and abilities. Lately, she has been focusing on character and environment design and development, sculpting and concept art, with the help of Digireal Studios. She has just finished school and will go on to study 3D Animation & Computer modelling at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK.

To see more of Andrea’s work, visit her page on Facebook.

For her illustrations she mainly enjoys working with inks and fine liners, to create delicate black and white pieces, with a hint of mystery, focusing on dot work, line work and inking. Andrea’s inspirations mainly come from the Japanese culture, nature, as well as traditional tattoo works. Her photography has been featured in annual calendars and has also worked as freelancer, creating illustrations and designs for tattoos. Her hobbies include crafting inspired from video games and movies, as well as the art of cosplay and cosplay photography.

As an aspiring animator, she is looking forward to exploring different areas of Animation, including 2D, 3D & stop motion animation, visual effects, as well as game design and development. She hopes to travel the world and work in major movie features, as well as become a part-time tattoo artist!

Cyprus Gamer at CCC 2016!

cg_featured_ccc16One of our participants at Cyprus Comic Con is Cyprus Gamer! Cyprus’s top gaming news website will have their own booth and the team has prepared a lot of activities for you as well as competitions throughout the event! will participate for a second consecutive year at our event!

More specifically Cyprus Gamer team has prepared the following competitions: 

1. Mario Kart Competition

At Cyprus Gamer’s booth you will be able to compete in the classic Mario Kart. The winner with the best score will get a Steelseries Siberia 200, a generous prize from G3 Great Games. The next five top scores will win collectible t-shirts of Cyprus Gamer team!


2. Pac-Man Competition

In Cyprus Gamers’ booth you will be able to find a series of classic arcade machines where you can play Pac-Man. If you will claim the highest score of the con you will win a copy of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4), sponsored by G3 Great Games. The next 5 top-scorers will win a collectible t-shirt from Cyprus Gamer’s team!


3. Selfie Competition: #iamacyprusgamer

This is a special competition, dedicated to all those who love photography! There will be a special panel at Cyprus Gamer’s booth where you will be able to take a selfie picture. You have to uplooad it and set is as public and with hashtag #iamacyprusgamer. The winner will be chosen at random and will get a World of Warcraft: Legion Collector’s Edition, offered by G3 Great Games. Ten more winners will get a collectible t-shirt from Cyprus Gamer’s team.


Other activities

At Cyprus Gamer’s booth, there will also be a series of activities! You will be able to see the winners of the first ever Scrapyard War Cyprus. There you will vote for the custom build PC you liked and you will enter automatically to a draw, where you will win a Samsung Galaxy Tab A6, sponsored by Glorious PCMR community.

The winner of the Scrapyard War will get an AMD RX 480 graphic card, sponsored by PC-CY Hardware.


Play FIFA 16 against Cyprus Gamer’s team!

On Sunday, you will also have the chance to play FIFA 16 against Cyprus Gamer’s team! The competition is on Sunday, September 4th from 13:00 till 16:00. The games will be recorded and will be used as a special episode for the ‘Game Time’ web series. The participants will get a voucher worth of €10 value, sponsored by Gamers’ Boulevard.




Sipone Textiles

563571_567957653258236_1002377742_nCyprus Comic Con is proud to announce SIPONE Textiles as one of our sponsors for CCC16!

About the company:

Specialty fabric stores operating since 1974 in wholesale and retail. A huge varety of imported fabrics for all purposes. SIPONE Textiles offer high quality fabrics with a huge collection of daily and other specialised fabrics (for theatres, hotels, etc) with pricing starting at 0.50 cents up to 200 euros per measure.

At SIPONE Textiles, one can find fabric for their home but also a large collection of lace, silk and other unique evening fabrics from major fashion houses.

Visit SIPONE Textile’s page on Facebook.

Live Music at the Comic Con Fringe Festival

Our Sunday closing ceremony is the continuation of last year’s live band debut by Winter’s Verge and what we hope will become a tradition at every Cyprus Comic Con event from here on. 

What better way to end Cyprus Comic Con 2016, than loud and live on a warm summer’s evening, surrounded by hundreds of like-minded people with an ice cold drink in hand?

The two groups that will be performing at the Comic Con Fringe Festival stage are Scarlett Echoes and Infected Siren!

Both groups have prepared a real treat for con-goers and aim to bring a loud and proud close to our Comic Con Weekend. Expect their sets to be dripping with pop culture references with plenty of surprises to listen out for!



Scarlett Echoes
Set time: 18:00

Scarlett Echoes formed gradually during August of 2014. The beginning of the band was a challenge since both guitarists were still living and studying abroad. However drummer, bassist and vocalist rehearsed and recorded each and every week, sending the recordings to the two guitarists who in turn practiced using those samples! Talk about willingness to make it work! At this point, the band was doing solely covers of rock, funkrock and bluesrock songs.

Within the next year, two members had to leave and so two new members were added and at that point, the group decided to replace one of the guitars with keyboard and started writing original music!

At the current time, Scarlett Echoes are continuing to write and record, as well as entertaining their audience with fun and challenging, funky rock covers.

Make sure to visit Scarlett Echoes’ profiles on Bandcamp and Youtube for a taste of their sound and also follow them on Facebook to stay up to date with their future plans and upcoming gigs!

Band Members:

Marianna Kofterou: Lead vocals
Elena Erotokritou: Guitars
Milto Constantinou: Keys, secondary vocals
Eliana Pavlou: Bass, secondary vocals
Stella Kouloukousa: Drums


Infected Syren
Set time: 19:00

Infected Syren started off in the UK but are now based in Cyprus. They incorporate punk, metal, rockabilly, swing and horror elements to their music which result in their own unique sound. Infected Syren are currently focusing on recording their debut album.

The band’s biggest appearance to this day was opening for Uriah Heep at the Pavilion hall in 2012. Their live shows are often described as very intense and energetic with a humorous twist!

To find out more, visit the group’s official website. Be sure to also check out their Youtube channel and Facebook, as well as their profile on Bandcamp!

Band Members:

Louis Syrimis: Vocals, Guitar
Constantinos Syrimis: Drums
Constantinos Lyras: Guitar
Miguel Trapezaris: Bass

We are thrilled to have both of these amazing groups closing our weekend celebration of geek and pop culture!

Let’s celebrate our cultural revolution!


Feature Film Premieres at CCC16’s Film Festival

Καθώς το Cyprus Comic Con μεγαλώνει χρόνο με το χρόνο, το ίδιο ισχύει και για το πρόγραμμα του Κινηματογραφικού του Φεστιβάλ!

Είμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να ανακοινώσουμε την προβολή τριών ταινιών, που θα πραγματοποιήσουν την πρεμιέρα τους στην Κύπρο κατά τη διάρκεια της εκδήλωσής μας.

Πρόκειται για τις ταινίες:

  1. Short Fuse
  2. For The Love Of Spock” (ευρωπαϊκή πρεμιέρα!)
  3. Raiders! The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made

Οι ταινίες αυτές θα έχουν το αποκλειστικό ντεμπούτο τους στην μεγάλη οθόνη στο μεγαλύτερο pop-culture γεγονός της χρονιάς!

Εάν είστε λάτρης του κινηματογράφου, μη χάσετε την ευκαιρία και παρακολουθήστε τις ταινίες, που κατάφεραν να τραβήξουν τα βλέμματα των κριτικών σε όλο τον κόσμο! Επιφυλασσόμαστε και για μερικές φοβερές εκπλήξεις!

Αναλυτικά, δείτε πιο κάτω λεπτομέριες για τις ταινίες και τις ώρες προβολής τους:

Πρώτη Προβολή
Short Fuse

03/08 Σάββατο 16:30 @ Jean Monet Auditorium

RATED PG13: Γονική Άδεια Απαραίτητη για ηλικίες κάτω των 13 ετών



Η πρώτη ταινία δράσης από τους ανερχόμενους σκηνοθέτες Ανδρέα Λαμπρόπουλο και Κώστα Σκύφτα, σε παραγωγή των Πάρη Κασιδοκώστα-Λατσή, Terry Dougas και Κωνσταντίνο Μούτσινα (1821 Media). Η ταινία διανεμήθηκε από την Village Films στις 21 Απριλίου, στην Ελλάδα.

Επιπλέον, αξίζει να σημειωθεί πως η ταινία τράβηξε τα βλέμματα της διεθνούς αγοράς και έχει πωληθεί στην Ιαπωνία, την Κίνα, τις ΗΠΑ και τη Γαλλία.


Σκηνοθεσία: Ανδρέας Λαμπρόπουλος και Κώστας Σκύφτας

Ηθοποιοί: Αποστόλης Τότσικας, Κωνσταντίνος Μαρκουλάκης, Τάσος Νούσιας, Θοδωρής Αθερίδης, Ευγενία Δημητροπούλου,  Γιώργος Καραμίχος, Νίκος Ορφανός, Νίκος Κουρής, Ειρήνη Μπαλτά και Μάνος Γάβρας

Διάρκεια: 86’


Επισκεφθείτε την Επίσημη Σελίδα της ταινίας στο Facebook


spock2η Προβολή
For The Love Of Spock

04/08 Κυριακή 15:00 @ Jean Monet Auditorium

RATED G: Κατάλληλο για όλους



Σε αφήγηση του Zachary Quinto, η ταινία κάνει αναδρομή στη ζωή και την καριέρα του ηθοποιού Leonard Nimoy, και του εικονικού του χαρακτήρα Mr. Spock. Περιλαμβάνει συνεντεύξεις με τους ηθοποιούς και τα μέλη που εργάστηκαν στα Star Trek, λάτρεις των ταινιών σε Εκθέσεις καθώς και προσωπικές μνήμες του ίδιου.

Το ντοκιμαντέρ έχει σκηνοθετήσει ο Adam Nimoy (γιος του Leonard Nimoy). Το For the Love of Spock έχει κερδίσει το Βραβείο του Κοινού ως Καλύτερο Ντοκιμαντέρ στο Fantasia International Film Festival 2016 και αποτελεί μεγάλη τιμή που το φιλοξενούμε στο Κινηματογραφικό Φεστιβάλ του CCC 16, σε πανευρωπαϊκή μάλιστα πρεμιέρα προβολής.


Σκηνοθεσία: Adam Nimoy

Ηθοποιοί: Chris Pine, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, JJ Abrams, William Shatner, Jim Parsons, George Takei, Cathrine Hicks, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Zoe Saldana, Jason Alexander

Διάρκεια: 111’


Επισκεφθείτε την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα


raiders3η Προβολή
Raiders! The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made

04/08 Κυριακή 18:00 @ Jean Monet Auditorium

RATED G: Κατάλληλο για όλους



Μετά την κλασική ταινία του Steven Spielberg, Raiders of the Lost Ark, η οποία κυκλοφόρησε πριν από 35 χρόνια, τρια 11χρονα αγόρια από το Mississippi ξεκινούν μια περιπέτεια που κρατά 7 χρόνια δουλειάς, αγάπης και τιμής στην αγαπημένη τους ταινία. Μια πιστή αναπαραγωγή της περιπέτειας. Έχουν πραγματοποιήσει κάθε σκηνή εκτός από μια: Αυτή με την έκρηψη του αεροπλάνου.

Δύο δεκαετίες αργότερα, το τρίο συναντήθηκε ξανά για να συμπληρώσουν το αριστούργημά τους.

Περιλαμβάνει συνεντεύξεις από τους John Rhys Davies, Eli Roth και άλλους!


Σκηνοθεσία: Jeremy Coon and Tim Skousen

Ηθοποιοί: Chris Strompolos, Eric Zala

Διάρκεια: 106’


Επισκεφθείτε την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα