As you may have already seen, this year Cyprus Comic Con has partnered up with Athens Game Festival which will take place from 20-21 of October at the Helexpo Maroussi Exhibition Centre in Athens.
Cyprus Comic Con will be present there promoting the local game development teams and we will also have with us two talented indie studios which will be accompanying us.
The first game development studio we want to introduce is ‘Gnoús’. Gnoús was founded in 2016 in Nicosia, Cyprus. It is an innovative platform of video games that enable detection of dyslexia and other learning disabilities whilst also helping professionals map and improve children’s mental abilities.
From a scientific perspective, Gnoús’s products are distinguished by the direct connection between ‘assessment’ and ‘remediation’. As Gnoús has put it “assessment is conducted by evaluating an array of well-defined abilities and provides a profile rather than a single point score. This enables users to design remediation and brain training programs that are personalised to the specific characteristics of the child’.
In other words, while a child is playing and having fun, Gnoús measures certain brain parameters that are related to the child’s potential to learn. For example, the capacity of a child’s memory, the speed of its thinking, its ability to plan and execute tasks, etc. These abilities have been scientifically proven (for children between the ages of 5-12) for their capability to predict learning difficulties and abilities of a child.
The results that Gnoús games provide allow consumers to directly tend to the areas of their brains that need it the most. Furthermore, these results can also identify an individual’s stronger modalities and abilities in order to help them improve those or even give them advice career specialisations.

If you want to find out more about Gnoús labs, check out the following links!
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