Nargile Comics

AsmallNargile Comics is a collaboration between Michael Ide and Tasos Anastasiades. Their first project is the graphic novel titled ‘Fascista‘.

Tasos Anastasiades is a Lecturer in Graphic Design at the European University Cyprus. In 2004 he started publishing the “Plastic Comics” magazine, the first comic book created and published in Cyprus. He is a Co-Founder and Organizing Member of Cyprus Comic Con.

For more information, join the Nargile Comics group on Facebook and visit their website.

The idea for Fascista started as a single image that was displayed at a gallery where Michael Ide, an American freelance writer offered to cooperate with Tasos Anastasiades in the script developing and writing part.

The graphic novel Fascista is set in an unnamed city that is undergoing intense protest, and mostly follows an apolitical engineer who wants to be left to his tinkering. But one of his inventions captures the interest of a newly formed police unit tasked with ending the protests as well as protest organizers who both believe it will give them an edge in the ongoing street battles.

The story revolves around concepts such as the suppression of free speech, protesting, propaganda and control of the masses. The graphic novel also deals with other issues such as the choices that people make and how the future is affected by them.

And lastly, a few samples from Tasos Anastasiades’ freelance work: