Kyprianos M. Demosthenous

The next Featured Artist to showcase their talent at this year’s Comic Con is 3d artist Kyprianos M. Demosthenous.

Kyprianos Demosthenous is 20 years old and lives in Engomi, Nicosia. He graduated from Pascal English School two years ago, completed his National Service and this coming September he will begin studying Architecture at the University of the Creative Arts in England.

Design, modeling and 3D crafting have been his favourite hobbies since a very young age. He always enjoys practicing his creative hobbies and wishes to continue to do so for the rest of his life. For that reason, Kyprianos could never imagine himself to be studying or working on something other than these subjects, that will give him the opportunity to continue creating as a professional in the future.

To see more of Kyprianos’ creations, visit his page on Facebook.

Some of the projects he has created have been exhibited and can be found at Saatchi Gallery, in England. Furthermore, he has participated in the worldwide competition of F1 in Schools as the designer of a car applying the aerodynamic principles and designing his team logo. His team’s model won first place in Cyprus and travelled to Austin Texas were they competed with the rest of the first-place winning teams from other countries. Kyprianos’ team received 13th place out of 32 that took part in the competition.

Kyprianos won an International Award for obtaining Full Marks in Art “A” Level in 2014 and also achieved the Highest Mark in Art subject in his school as a senior student. Taking advantage of the passion he had for crafting, during his National Service in a competition organized by the Army of Cyprus and Holy Archbishopric of Cyprus with the topic of ‘fighting against drugs’, he won first prize for a craft he made amongst thousands of other projects.