
Karaiskakio Foundation

Karaiskakio Foundation is a non – profit organisation established with the sole purpose of organising a volunteer Bone Marrow Donor Registry. Today, by setting a dynamic vision “for a world without leukemia”, it combines volunteering and specialised scientific support, in order to serve the needs of patients with haematological malignancies both effectively and efficiently.

The primary focus of the activities of Karaiskakio Foundation is to support the patients suffering with haematological malignancies and related diseases. The Foundation has organised the Bone Marrow Donor Registry as well as the Cord Blood Registry both functioning on a voluntary, non-profit basis. In addition, it has established a network of specialised biomedical laboratories which fulfil the clinical needs of the patients by providing a complete and integrated approach for the diagnosis of haematological malignancies and related diseases. Of equal importance is the Foundation’s active pursuit of research and development aiming at constantly upgrading and developing its services, introducing new technology and knowledge as well as securing financial support aiding in long-term sustainability.

Find Karaiskakio Foundation’s booth at Cyprus Comic Con 2019 in Hall 6!

Visit Karaiskakio Foundation’s website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Become your own superhero! Become a bone marrow donor!

Today a new strategic goal of the Karaiskakio Foundation, is the establishment of a state of the art “Childhood Cancer Diagnostic Centre” that will enable doctors and scientists to implement advanced targeted treatments against childhood cancer, thereby improving survival rates and minimizing treatment related collateral damage.

Of course, the fact that the Karaiskakio Foundation can presently accomplish many of its goals, is mainly due to the undivided contribution and support of those who recognise the importance and high standard of the work it has produced over the years. Together with the invaluable help from the government, its sponsors, donors and supporters, aims to continue helping patients in the fight against leukaemia.

Ways to help

  • Become a member:

Membership costs just €20.00 per year. You will be invited to join our social get-togethers and by becoming a member of the Karaiskakio Foundation you will have the right to vote and be a candidate for the Volunteer Member Council.

  • Make a donation:

All donations can be made to: Account – Karaiskakio Foundation. IBAN – CY  36002001110000000503777700 – SWIFT/BIC (BCYPCY2N)

  • Forms of collaboration:

Charities, sponsorships, donations in kind, services/technology, workers’ initiatives.

  • Volunteer:

As non profit organisation, the Karaiskakio Foundation is dependent on people’s love, support and altruism. Volunteers can undertake many activities and cover basic needs to the foundation, that would otherwise require professional help.

Contact information:

Tel: (+357) 22210858/ (+357) 95119565


BirdLife Cyprus

Find us at Comic Con – Hall 6 for all things birds!

BirdLife Cyprus is a registered non-profit, non-governmental organization and the official partner of BirdLife International in Cyprus. Our aim is to protect the wild birds of Cyprus, their habitats, and wider biodiversity, and maintain a healthy environment in which people on the island can prosper alongside nature.

We work at both local and European levels on behalf of birds and their habitats here in Cyprus, working to influence decision-makers and to pressure for positive change. We speak out for wildlife and communicate the urgent need for its protection and we seek to implement practical conservation actions and build people’s contact with and appreciation for nature.

Find us at Comic Con – Hall 6 for all things birds! Come say hello, learn more about us and our work, meet Ulysses the Blackcap, and shop our birdy collection of pin badges, fluffy toys, books, t-shirts, bird adoptions and many more!

Don’t forget to visit BirdLife Cyprus’ website, FacebookInstagram, YouTube Channel and Twitter!

Ways to help

  • Become a member:

By joining us, you add strength to our voice and you support our work to preserve the birds and habitats of Cyprus.

  • Make a donation:

By donating you provide us with funds to implement our work programme and reach our vision. You can donate here.

  • Adopt a bird:

Your symbolic bird adoption helps BirdLife Cyprus protect birds and their habitats.

  • Volunteer:

Volunteer in one of our many programs for the conservation of birds and habitats.

🐦Find out more on how to support us here🐦

Contact information:

Tel: (+357) 22 455 072



At this year’s Cyprus Comic Con there will be a special booth set up by P.A.W.S. – Protecting Animals Without Shelter fully dedicated to a geek’s best friend! Expect to find second hand books in low prices, toys for your pets, dogs’ and cats’ collars, leashes and accessories. They will also be selling their charity’s merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs etc. and a selective amount of handmade things  & many more! Be prepared for lots of surprises and a very special competition. Find P.A.W.S.’s booth at Hall 6!

P.A.W.S. will be there to register new members to their club and also to take donations to help cover their running expenses. You can also find informative leaflets and they will be there to answer to any questions regarding how they work and what needs to be done regarding the strays in Cyprus (microchip/spaying).

P.A.W.S. is an animal charity organisation founded in Nicosia in 2012. At the moment they have over 200 dogs and 50 cats under their care and they also help municipal pounds whenever and however they can. Its primary objective is to establish a “raise awareness concerning animal welfare” in Cyprus through actions that will:

  • Support and promote animal rights
  • Put pressure on relevant authorities to practically apply legislation regarding animal welfare
  • Deal with animal abuse and neglect
  • Educate various target groups of people regarding animal rights and animal welfare.

Make sure to visit P.A.W.S.’s website and Facebook to learn more about their volunteer work!

Ways to help

  • Direct Donations:

P.A.W.S. relies heavily on donations to further its cause and so we strongly encourage you to send any amounts PayPal or via bank transfer at: BANK OF CYPRUS – BANK ACCOUNT 357010771752 – IBAN CY83002001950000357010771752 – SWIFT/BIC (BCYPCY2N)

  • Foster an animal:

One of the biggest problems faced by animal welfare organizations in Cyprus is the lack of space to shelter stray animals. There are no state shelters to cover these needs, while private shelters are almost permanently overcrowded. Fostering an animal can be a huge help for us and for the animals themselves, even for a few days. P.A.W.S. will provide you with the necessary (food if needed and veterinary expenses).


  • Donation boxes:

If you have your own business or shop, donation boxes are one of the simplest and cheapest ways to raise money for a non-profit organisation.  Just contact us! We will provide you with one and you will just need to put it somewhere to get the customers’ attention!  This is a traditional but very effective way to help!

  • Be a volunteer:

The need for more volunteers is constant. Any help is welcomed. From transporting animals to vets, caring actions, complaints and rescuing, to contributing in organising events, designing posters, taking photographs, making telephone calls, writing and sending letters, any action or ‘small act’ is a necessary stage to work properly.

*If you have any books, blankets, food, tick treatments, deworming pills that you no longer need and you love animals, we need them for a good cause!

Contact info


Tel: 99769011/99769025

Cans For Kids

Cans For Kids is a registered charity, formed in 1990 to organise the collection and recycling of aluminium cans in Cyprus. To encourage people to save their cans, it was decided to use the proceeds to purchase medical equipment for the children’s wards at Cypriot hospitals.

Since its inception, more than 30 million cans have been collected, and over €273,000 euros worth of equipment has been donated to the Makarios Hospital in Nicosia, which is the central paediatric hospital in Cyprus, treating seriously ill children from all over the island.

By saving your cans for Cans For Kids, not only do you help the environment, but you know that your efforts are giving something back to the community.

Learn about the importance of recycling and how you can make every can count.

Find our booth at Hall 6!

To see more of Cans For Kid’s charity work visit their website, Facebook and Twitter.

Ways to help

  • Become a member:

Membership costs just 10.00 euros per year. You will be invited to join our social get-togethers, and are able to vote at the AGM, and stand for the committee.

  • Corporate sponsorship:

Sponsor a can bank. For just 450 euros your company can support the expansion of our network by adopting a can bank for a year. Your sign on the bank will advertise your support.

  • Individual donations:

Individual donations can be made to this account: Cans For Kids. IBAN: CY76 0070 3610 0000 0000 3805 4071. BIC (SWIFT) CCBKCY2N

  • Volunteer:

We need people in every area of Cyprus who can monitor how quickly the banks fill up, so we can establish a regular collection. If you can organise collection in your area, even better.We also need willing hands to sort the cans prior to crushing. This happens in Nicosia. If you would like to join us, please call.

Contact information:

Tel: +357-22781828/ +357-99666011


Special Guest: William Simpson

William Simpson

 Leader story board artist for Game of Thrones

Special Guest for Cyprus Comic Con 2019

To see more of Simpson’s work for Game of Thrones, follow his Facebook Fanpage.

In-Booth Signing & Panel information

GoT themed Panels

Williams Simpson will be joining Eugene Simon and Ross Mullan on both Saturday (20th April) and Sunday (21st April) for a 1 hour panel about Game Of Thrones

Booth Times

Simpson will be available for meet and greet at his booth. He will be also selling sketches, prints and commissions. More info on his booth times and panels to be confirmed once the CCC19 schedule is announced.

William Simpson is an international artist whose career began in comicstrip art, working on a range of character icons such as: Judge Dredd, Rogue Trooper, Batman, Transformers, Hellblazer, Tyranny Rex, Aliens, and Vamps

In recent years Simpson has developed his work in the film industry providing conceptual art and storyboards for a variety of feature films, such as: Reign of Fire, directed by Rob Bowman, Freeze Frame, directed by John Simpson, Neil Jordan’s Breakfast on Pluto, Ondine, Byzantium, David Gordon Green and Danny McBride’s Your Highness for Universal, Halo, Morgan, Dracula Untold, Unknown,  Lord Richard Attenborough’s 2006 production, Closing The Ring and the Tom Hanks produced, City Of Ember. Most recently, a ten year run on Game of Thrones for HBO. As the leader storyboard artist for Game of Thrones, Simpson turns the words from the script and sketches out the director’s vision into an initial comic strip version as a visual reference, whilst also trying to turn it into a believable concept.