
Neil Gibson – TPub Comics

Neil is the editor in chief and CEO of TPub Ltd. Neil never wanted to be a writer, but he just LOVED good comics. As a fan for many years he tried writing one, and to his surprise, people really liked what he wrote. So he published it and his first book went to number one on Amazon Kindle and he quit his job to make comics and never looked back. Neil is entirely self-taught, but he now teaches others how to make comics. He is inspired by stuff that interests him. Neil encourages people who are new to comics or want to learn more about the creation of comics to have a chat with him during Cyprus Comic Con 2019.

TPub is a British comic book publisher and the creators of “Twisted Dark“, “Twisted Light“, “Tabatha“, “Tortured Life“, “Turncoat“, “Theatrics” and “The World of Chub Chub“


Nearchos Konstantinou

Nearchos has a Master of Arts in Communication Arts and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Computer Graphics from the New York Institute of Technology. He is a multi-disciplinary creative artist, with the hybrid skillset of a graphic designer, an animator, a motion designer and an illustrator. He has participated in several Art, Motion and Comic Book festivals in Cyprus and Greece. He is an avid runner and when he’s not working, he likes to travel, watch movies, read comics, play games, and do some fun outdoor activities with family.

You can find his work here.

Michalis Michailides

Kancer The Crab is the persona taken by Limassol-based graphic designer, Michael ‘Yukis’ that embodies the struggle of the fearless crab. The Crab forges small self-contained story posters inspired directly by early 90’s-2000’s video games that build up his own bigger mythos. Through the storytelling he seeks to make his own examination of life, expressing relatable emotional struggles, providing commentary for concurrent events or getting wacky with memes. With a decade of experience in Adobe software, The Crab seeks to claw itself in the graphic design space of Cyprus after graduating with a Graphic Communications & Illustration degree and permanently cementing himself as a young, innovative yet sensitive creative. The Crab marches towards the blazing horizon, expanding his online presence while working on a new poster series influenced by spaghetti westerns.

You can find Michalis’s work on his Instagram page.

Abyss Arts & Crafts

Marouso Kalaitzoglou, otherwise known as Abyss Arts & Crafts, was born in Athens in 1996. Characteristic of her cosplays is her fidelity to the fictional character she reflects. She has won prizes in several Greek Cosplay competitions, but also excellent collaborations with domestic and foreign companies, with a highlight of her collaboration with Warner Bros.

You can find Marouso’s work on her Instagram page.

Arcanum Comics

Marios Yiangou (writer), Demetres Panayides (artist), Rami Abdo (editor)

Arcanum Comics is a collaborative project between friends, created to explore the unlimited storytelling potential of the world of comic books while producing other iconic merchandise in the process. After self-publishing the first installment of DÆMONIUM in 2017 (a horror story set in Cyprus) the collective was established as a unique brand to produce further titles under the Arcanum label.

The DÆMONIUM series tells the story of Marc Skoteinos, a guilt-ridden and traumatized ex-magician condemned to Hell, struggling with his addictions to magic, alcohol and drugs while trying to lead a sober life with his family. At the same time Hell mobilizes its minions on Earth to find him after he discovers an ancient spell that hides him from their radar.

You can find Arcanum Comics’ work on their page on Instagram.