
The NecroComicCon

Your spirit has been summoned to 🦇 The NecroComicCon 🦇!!
Come join the revelry at Pub Fiction Bar&Grill in Nicosia, on Saturday, 28th of October!

🎃 EuroCosplay Finals Screening 🎃
The winner of our EuroCosplay Qualifier, Molza Cosplay, will be representing Cyprus at the EuroCosplay Championship Finals in London MCM Expo! We will be screening the competition LIVE at the party, so make sure to come and support her!

🍬 Halloween Costume Contest 🍬
Let us see your most spooky and horrifying Halloween costumes yet! A prize will be given out to the Best Halloween Costume of the night. Stay tuned for more info!

👻 Music 👻
Only the best Graveyard Smash and Monster Mash we were able to dig up, featuring all your favourite Halloween and spooky horror tunes!

🦇 Food & Drink 🦇
Pub Fiction Bar&Grill will be serving the most delicious, spook-tacular foods to satisfy your ghoulish tastes and have you howling in delight! A wide selection of potions and brews will also be available to satisfy vampires, werewolves, zombies and nerds alike!

😈 Games and Activities 😈
What is Halloween without a good scare? Thanks to Bionic Electronics you get to play on the Oculus Rift and experience virtual reality thrills with immersive games such as “The Visitor”! For the retro fans, there will be a selection of ghoulish games you can play for free on the Wii U as well as arcade machines!
You can try your luck at guessing how many ghosts are in the jar, or test your knowledge in our Halloween edition of the questions game, “Yes or No”! Grab a friend or random ghoul and compete against them in a game of Beer Pong!

💀 Great Big Raffle 💀
An absolutely batty assortment of prizes to be won! Some are out of this world, some locally sourced and grown by goblins.
(Kindly sponsored by Gamers’ BoulevardAnt ComicsJapanese Flavours,Fingerprint Blockmountings)

🎃 Halloween Piñata 🎃
There cannot be a Halloween party without candy for our Trick-or-Treaters!hello PIÑATA are hard at work preparing a surprise Halloween-themed piñata for us, filled with plenty of boo-tiful treats! Can you guess what the piñata might be? 😀

🍬 FREE Cake 🍬
The Cake Witch at Golden Sweets is weaving her magic for a bewitching cake made out of spider web, earthworms, bat whiskers, troll teeth, mummified toenails, gargoyle sweat and other yummy, not-so-fresh ingredients!

Many more announcements to come, with games, activities and prizes!

“Haunted beats and severed limbs,
Decadent drinks and baleful brew,
Tricks and treats and BBQ wings,
Ghoulish delights, or a finger or two!

There’s plenty for all
At this Halloween scare,
So creep, float or crawl
And join us if you dare!”

Cosplay Contest Winners 2017

The Cosplay stakes have never been higher before as both the EuroCosplay Qualifier and the Masquerade competitions held in CCC17 offered the sum of €2,600 in cash as well as over €1000 worth of prizes and the chance to represent Cyprus in London’s MCM Expo EuroCosplay Final with all flights, accommodation and travel expenses covered! Along with the stakes being higher, so was the average costume quality. As our rules became stricter our cosplayers stepped up their game with no hesitation! A total of 55 contestants participated with 70% of them being fully hand-made versus a 30% of partly hand-made costumes. The Saturday EuroCosplay contest consisted of a fully fledged show where all contestants had the chance to perform their own entertaining cosplay skits while the Sunday Masquerade had the audience enjoy an on-stage judging session and an energetic Cosplay Parade!

We are proud to announce our winners:

EuroCosplay Qualifier

1st Place

Tatiana Anisimova (Molza)
Glinda the Good Witch

Photos by The Other I

Tatyana will be representing Cyprus at the EuroCosplay Championship Final in London MCM Expo on the 28th of October 2017. It has taken ~550 hours of pure work to handcraft every inch of this costume. Here’s the process in her own words:

My costume is a replica of Glinda’s Bubble Dress from US version of musical “Wicked”.

The skirt consists of 46 petals (exactly as many as in the musical) of different sizes covered in waves of sequins, I used three different types and colours of them to make a gradient effect. Overall it took me about 1 kilo of sequins, each and every single one of them I sewed on by hands, every petal took me in average 10-12 hours of work. Underneath the skirt there are 6-hoop crinoline (circumference of the bottom hoop is 385 cm).

The boned bodice and pointed collar are also covered with sequins. I used light blue crystal organza as a main fabric. Crown with snowflake ornaments on it was made from wire, crown base, polymer clay and lots of rhinestones and crystals of different kind. Necklace and wand are made from wire and lots of rhinestones and crystals of different kind. I also did a custom wig style for this costume.” It has taken ~550 hours of pure work, sequins part about 450 hours. Overall I was working on this costume around 1,5 years in almost all my spare time.

2nd Place

Sofoklis Sofokleous
Aloy (Shield Weaver Outfit)
Horizon Zero Dawn


3rd Place

Nyree Hapetian (Manic Crafts)
Dragonborn (Glass Armour)
The Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim


1st Runner-up

Gloria Roussou (Alcaria)
Dragonborn (Daedric Armour)
The Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim


2nd Runner-up

Athina Kanari
Dryad Soraka
League of Legends


CCC Cosplay Masquerade

1st Place

Eva Demetriou
Blood Elf Demon Hunter
World of warcraft


2nd Place

Chirkova Olga (Fosya)
League Of Legends


3rd Place

Alexandra Phasaria (Made by Alcaria)
The Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim


4th Place

Arian Jocson
Chirrut Imwe
Star Wars


5th Place

Christina Vasiliou
Spyro (Human Version)
Spyro The Dragon


6th Place

Stav Guini & Sharon Turner (Group)
Kurapika & Chrollo Lucilfer
Hunter X Hunter


7th Place

Nicos Tsouris
Captain America


8th Place

Andrianos Zachariou
Mortal Kombat X


9th Place

Anastasis Constantinou
The Reaper


10th Place

Christina Nikolaou
Riven (Battle Bunny)
League of Legends


To all other participants, Thank you! You are all awesome!
EuroCosplay Qualifier
Alexis Panayi
Apostolos loizou
Cazan Catalin Constantin
Christina Nikolaou
Flare King
Maria Frantzi
Panayiotis Pallaris
Styliani Koudounari
Theognosia Hadjiyianni
CCC Cosplay Masquerade
Alexandros Antonaki
Andreas Papas
Andrew Nicolas
Anna Aristidou
Anna Hathaway
Anthony Radj Salvacion
Antonis Georgiou
Aris Christodoulou
Paige McCann
Athina Shields
Christos Andreev
Frixos Rousou
Gabriela Maneva
George Demosthenous
Hakan Çolakoğlu
Konstantinos Paschalis
Kyriacos Economides
Kyriakos Koumenides
Kyriakos Michael
Lukas Shields
Lydia Shields
Menelaos Mavromoustakos
Mike Schiniou
Mor Oren
Nicolas Iordanou
Piotr (Peter) Debski
Polis Trachonitis
Rena Hadjiyianni
Theodora Zanettou
Vicky Lawrence

Charity Organization: Cans for Kids

Cans For Kids is a registered charity, formed in 1990 to organise the collection and recycling of aluminium cans in Cyprus. To encourage people to save their cans, it was decided to use the proceeds to purchase medical equipment for the children’s wards at Cypriot hospitals.

Since its inception, more than 25 million cans have been collected, and over €260,000 euros worth of equipment has been donated to the Makarios Hospital in Nicosia, which is the central paediatric hospital in Cyprus, treating seriously ill children from all over the island.

By saving your cans for Cans For Kids, not only do you help the environment, but you know that your efforts are giving something back to the community.

We’ll be at COMIC CON this weekend September 2 and 3.

Find us at Booth 10 outside Hall A.

Learn about the importance of recycling and how you can make every can count.

Guess how many crushed cans are in a baled block and WIN a SKATEBOARD kindly donated by BikeHub Cyprus!

Ways to help

Become a member:

Membership costs just 10.00 euros per year. You will be invited to join our social get-togethers, and are able to vote at the AGM, and stand for the committee.

Corporate sponsorship:

Sponsor a can bank. For just 450 euros your company can support the expansion of our network by adopting a can bank for a year. Your sign on the bank will advertise your support.

Individual donations can be made to: Account: Cans For Kids. IBAN: CY76 0070 3610 0000 0000 3805 4071. BIC (SWIFT) CCBKCY2N


We need people in every area of Cyprus who can monitor how quickly the banks fill up, so we can establish a regular collection. If you can organise collection in your area, even better.

We also need willing hands to sort the cans prior to crushing. This happens in Nicosia. If you would like to join us, please call.

How to find us:

Contact numbers: Tel: +357-22781828/ +357-99666011




Charity Organization: P.A.W.S.

At this year’s Cyprus Comic Con there will be a special booth set up by PAWS – Protecting Animals Without Shelter fully dedicated to a geek’s best friend! Expect to find second hand books in low prices, toys for your pets, dogs’ and cats’ collars, leashes and accessories. They will also be selling their charity’s merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs etc. and a selective amount of handmade things  & many more! They will be also holding three competitions (prizes include 2 collective Harry Potter wands and a selection of PS4 games). You can locate them at the Bazaar section at Table 9 and take part!

P.A.W.S. will be there to register new members to their club and also to take donations to help cover their running expenses. You can also find informative leaflets and they will be there to answer to any questions regarding how they work and what needs to be done regarding the strays in Cyprus (microchip/spaying).

P.A.W.S. is an animal charity organization founded in Nicosia in 2012. At the moment they have over 200 dogs and 50 cats under their care and they also help municipal pounds whenever and however they can. Its primary objective is to establish a “raise awareness concerning animal welfare” in Cyprus through actions that will:

  • Support and promote animal rights
  • Put pressure on relevant authorities to practically apply legislation regarding animal welfare
  • Deal with animal abuse and neglect
  • Educate various target groups of people regarding animal rights and animal welfare.

P.A.W.S. relies heavily on donations to further its cause and so we strongly encourage you to send any amounts PayPal or via bank transfer at:


BANK ACCOUNT 357010771752

IBAN CY83002001950000357010771752


Ways to help


One of the biggest problems faced by animal welfare organizations in Cyprus is the lack of space to shelter stray animals. There are no state shelters to cover these needs, while private shelters are almost permanently overcrowded. Fostering an animal can be a huge help for us and for the animals themselves, even for a few days. P.A.W.S. will provide you with the necessary (food if needed and veterinary expenses).


If you have your own business or shop, donation boxes are one of the simplest and cheapest ways to raise money for a non-profit organisation.  Just contact us! We will provide you with one and you will just need to put it somewhere to get the customers’ attention!  This is a traditional but very effective way to help!


The need for more volunteers is constant. The more people, the more achievable our goal and the more effective our action! Any help is welcomed. From transporting animals to vets, caring actions, complaints and rescuing, to contributing in organizing events, designing posters, taking photographs, making telephone calls, writing and sending letters, any action or ‘small act’ is a necessary stage to work properly. Any help you can and want to offer is not small or little. We need your love for animals, your enthusiasm, and your energy! Come share it with us!

For more information/Adoptions: 99769025




*If you have any books, blankets, food, tick treatments, deworming pills that you no longer need and you love animals, we need them for a good cause!

For info call 99769011

The Fun Doesn’t End At 20:00

So you’ve spent all day exploring, acquiring loot and meeting new humans – evening is fast approaching and so it’s time to go home right? Wrong!

This year Cyprus Comic Con does not end at 20:00 – we wouldn’t want to waste that massive outdoor stage, the mist machines, lasers and purple lights now would we?

Stick around, pick something tasty to enjoy from one of our 16 food and drink vendors running the culinary gamut of pizza, jacket potatoes, vegetarian/vegan delicacies, biltong, German sausages, hot dogs, tacos, pulled pork, crepes, ice cream, flavoured popcorn, sandwiches *deep breath*, burgers, bubble tea, beers, soft drinks, cocktails and, last but not least, Somersby!

This year we’re going to have a proper after party on both Saturday and Sunday night! Tell your friends!


On Saturday we kick off with live music and DJs from late afternoon featuring special live band sets, DJs and performances for your geeky entertainment;

  • 16:30 – Alt rock from local band, Reveries
  • 17:00 – K-Pop Current Hits dance routine from SAD_GHallyuCY‘s dance team
  • 18:00 – Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter Performance by Ballere School of Dance
  • 18:30 – 80s metal mood with R.U.S.T-X
  • 19:30 – The Cashiers rocking you out with a special geek-infused set
  • 20:30 – Winter’s Verge headline the night with a full first-time presentation of their brand new album
  • 22:30 – DJs Jimmy D & Honston G kicking off the party with a full set homing in on groove, funk, alt rock all laced with geeky flavours
  • 04:00 – Doors Close – were you powerful enough to party right to the end?

On Sunday we’ll be chilling out until midnight with the following entertainment;

So are you ready to rumble at this year’s special Cyprus Comic Con open air after party late into the night?

via GIPHYSomersby