Every year, a number of exciting gaming tournaments take place at Cyprus Comic Con! We are very proud to be able to offer a platform for local gaming communities to grow and expand, as well as to bring tournament organisers, media and fans together.
The gaming tournaments are the best place for you to test your skills and competitive spirit, by facing off against some of the most seasoned players on the island! Continue reading to find out what gaming tournaments are going to take place at CCC19 and how you can participate!
The Gaming Stages
There will be three gaming stages with tournaments happening simultaneously so when applying for more than one tournament make sure that they don’t overlap.
Sony PlayStation Stage
The CCC 2019 Sony PlayStation Fighting stage is brought to you by the Cyprus Throwdown Tournament Series!
You can watch and participate in tournaments for the biggest and best fighting games on the PS4: Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat 11, Street Fighter 5 and Mortal Kombat XL.
This stage will also host Tekken 7 Free Play as well as Injustice 2 Winner Stays On Casual Play.
Tekken 7

Tournament Date & Time: Saturday 20th of April 13:00
Participation Fee: €10
Maximum Entries: 32
Online Registration Deadline: 22:00 Friday 19th of April
Registration at CCC E-Sports Booth: Until 12:00 Saturday 20th of April
Check-In: 9:00 – 12:00 Saturday 20th of April
1st Place
- Limited Edition Sony PlayStation 4: 500 Million Edition
- Shark Mini Fridge Stocked Full of Shark
2nd Place
Cougar Immersa Pro Headset
3rd Place
PlayStation Classic
Qualifiers: Best of 3 | Semi-Finals & Finals: Best of 5
Time Limit: 99 Seconds
Rounds: 2
Stage: Random
Setting: Default – Unless otherwise specified
- It is preferred that you bring your own controller, otherwise you will be provided with the default PlayStation controller.
- You have to pass by the CCC E-Sports Booth to check in and confirm your presence during the indicated check in time slot and also be present at the CCC E-Sports Booth at least 20 minutes before the tournament’s starting time. Failure to appear on time will result in your elimination.
- Tournament rules may be amended at any time if the tournament organiser deems it necessary.
Mortal Kombat 11

Tournament Date & Time: Saturday 20th of April 16:00
Participation Fee: €10
Maximum Entries: 32
Online Registration Deadline: 22:00 Friday 19th of April
Registration at CCC E-Sports Booth: Until 15:00 Saturday 20th of April
Check-In: 9:00 – 15:00 Saturday 20th of April
1st Place
- Limited Edition Sony PlayStation 4: 500 Million Edition
- Mortal Kombat 11 Kollector’s Edition for PS4 (To be delivered upon game release)
- Shark Mini Fridge Stocked Full of Shark
2nd Place
- Mortal Kombat 11 Kollector’s Edition for PS4 (To be delivered upon game release)
- Cougar Immersa Pro Headset
3rd Place
- Mortal Kombat 11 Kollector’s Edition for PS4 (To be delivered upon game release)
- PlayStation Classic
Qualifiers: Best of 3 | Semi-Finals & Finals: Best of 5
Time Limit: 99 Seconds
Rounds: 2
Stage: Random
Setting: Default – Unless otherwise specified
- It is preferred that you bring your own controller, otherwise you will be provided with the default PlayStation controller.
- You have to pass by the CCC E-Sports Booth to check in and confirm your presence during the indicated check in time slot and also be present at the CCC E-Sports Booth at least 20 minutes before the tournament’s starting time. Failure to appear on time will result in your elimination.
- Tournament rules may be amended at any time if the tournament organiser deems it necessary.
Street Fighter V

Tournament Date & Time: Sunday 21st of April 13:00
Participation Fee: €10
Maximum Entries: 32
Online Registration Deadline: 22:00 Friday 19th of April
Registration at the CCC E-Sports Booth: All Day Saturday 20th of April & Until 12:00 Sunday 21st of April
Check-In: 9:00 – 12:00 Sunday 21st of April
1st Place
- Limited Edition Sony PlayStation 4: 500 Million Edition
- Shark Mini Fridge Stocked Full of Shark
2nd Place
Cougar Immersa Pro Headset
3rd Place
PlayStation Classic
Qualifiers: Best of 3 | Semi-Finals & Finals: Best of 5
Time Limit: 99 Seconds
Rounds: 2
Stage: Random
Setting: Default – Unless otherwise specified
- It is preferred that you bring your own controller, otherwise you will be provided with the default PlayStation controller.
- You have to pass by the CCC E-Sports Booth to check in and confirm your presence during the indicated check in time slot and also be present at the CCC E-Sports Booth at least 20 minutes before the tournament’s starting time. Failure to appear on time will result in your elimination.
- Tournament rules may be amended at any time if the tournament organiser deems it necessary.
Mortal Kombat XL

Tournament Date & Time: Sunday 21st of April 16:00
Participation Fee: €10
Maximum Entries: 32
Online Registration Deadline: 22:00 Friday 19th of April
Registration at the CCC E-Sports Booth: All Day Saturday 20th of April & Until 15:00 Sunday 21st of April
Check-In: 9:00 – 15:00 Sunday 21st of April
1st Place
- Limited Edition Sony PlayStation 4: 500 Million Edition
- Shark Mini Fridge Stocked Full of Shark
2nd Place
Cougar Immersa Pro Headset
3rd Place
PlayStation Classic
Qualifiers: Best of 3 | Semi-Finals & Finals: Best of 5
Time Limit: 99 Seconds
Rounds: 2
Stage: Random
Setting: Default – Unless otherwise specified
- It is preferred that you bring your own controller, otherwise you will be provided with the default PlayStation controller.
- You have to pass by the CCC E-Sports Booth to check in and confirm your presence during the indicated check in time slot and also be present at the CCC E-Sports Booth at least 20 minutes before the tournament’s starting time. Failure to appear on time will result in your elimination.
- Tournament rules may be amended at any time if the tournament organiser deems it necessary.
inSpot Arena Stage
The CCC 2019 PC stage is the biggest of the three stages and it is brought to you by inSpot!
The tournaments that will run on this stage will be: League of Legends 5v5, DOTA Auto Chess, Overwatch 1v1, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1v1 and League of Legends 1v1.
In addition to holding tournaments for these very competitive PC games, the inSpot Arena Stage will also feature some fun Show Matches and more!
League of Legends 5v5
Preliminaries: Sunday 31st of March at 9:00 AM at InSpot Larnaca.
Tournament Date & Time: Saturday 20th of April (Exact time to be confirmed post preliminaries.)
Participation Fee: Free. At the preliminaries, each team member will need to top up their inSpot account with game time – to be paid at inSpot.
Maximum Entries: 12 Teams of 5
Online Registration Deadline: Saturday 30th of March 11:00 AM
Registration at CCC E-Sports Booth: None. Due to preliminaries, the competing teams will be predetermined.
Check-In: Saturday 20th of April. A detailed schedule will be issued to the participating teams after the Preliminaries.
1st Place: €1200
2nd Place: €600
3rd Place: €200
Map: Summoners Rift
Mode: Tournament Draft
Format: To be announced
The top 2 or top 4 teams determined during the preliminaries, will be able to pass onto the final which will happen on the Tournament Day at CCC, as indicated above.
If the 12 team spots are not filled, online players will be accepted.
- You have to pass by the CCC E-Sports Booth to check in and confirm your presence during the indicated check in time slot and also be present at the CCC E-Sports Booth at least 20 minutes before the tournament’s starting time. Failure to appear on time will result in your elimination.
- Tournament rules may be amended at any time if the tournament organiser deems it necessary.
DOTA Auto Chess

Preliminaries: Sunday 7th of April at 9:00 AM at InSpot Larnaca.
Tournament Date & Time: Sunday 21st of April 11:00
Participation Fee: Free. At the preliminaries, the player will need to top up their inSpot account with game time – to be paid at inSpot.
Maximum Entries: 32
Online Registration Deadline: Friday 5th of April 11:00 AM
Registration at CCC E-Sports Booth: None. Due to preliminaries, the competing players will be predetermined.
Check-In: 9:00 – 10:30 Sunday 21st of April
1st Place: €200
2nd Place: €50
Standard DOTA Auto Chess Rules Apply
The top 8 players determined during the preliminaries, will be able to pass onto the final which will happen on the Tournament Day at CCC, as indicated above.
- You have to pass by the CCC E-Sports Booth to check in and confirm your presence during the indicated check in time slot and also be present at the CCC E-Sports Booth at least 20 minutes before the tournament’s starting time. Failure to appear on time will result in your elimination.
- Tournament rules may be amended at any time if the tournament organiser deems it necessary.
Overwatch 1v1

Tournament Date & Time: Sunday 21st of April 13:00
Participation Fee: Free
Maximum Entries: 40
Online Registration Deadline: 22:00 Friday 19th of April
Registration at the CCC E-Sports Booth: Saturday 20th of April 9:00 – 20:00 & Sunday 21st of April 9:00 – 12:00
Check-In: 9:00 – 12:00 Sunday 21st of April
1st Place: €200
2nd Place: €50
Map: Ecopoint: Antarctica
Format: Mystery Heroes, Single Elimination Best of 3
Global Bans: TBA
- Players will be unable to re-select a character if that character has won a previous round.
- First to win 2 rounds is the winner.
- Players are not allowed to change their character if they have already left the base area.
- You have to pass by the CCC E-Sports Booth to check in and confirm your presence during the indicated check in time slot and also be present at the CCC E-Sports Booth at least 20 minutes before the tournament’s starting time. Failure to appear on time will result in your elimination.
- Tournament rules may be amended at any time if the tournament organiser deems it necessary.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1v1

Tournament Date & Time: Sunday 21st of April 15:00
Participation Fee: Free
Maximum Entries: 32
Online Registration Deadline: 22:00 Friday 19th of April
Registration at the CCC E-Sports Booth: Saturday 20th of April 9:00 – 20:00 & Sunday 21st of April 9:00 – 14:00
Check-In: 9:00 – 14:00 Sunday 21st of April
1st Place
- €200
2nd Place
- €50
Map: AIM – 1v1 – Sandarena
Format: Single Elimination
Qualifiers: Best of 1 | Finals: Best of 3
Rounds: 15
Weapon: M4A4 / AK 47
- Starting Position is chosen by the player that is higher in the brackets
- You have to pass by the CCC E-Sports Booth to check in and confirm your presence during the indicated check in time slot and also be present at the CCC E-Sports Booth at least 20 minutes before the tournament’s starting time. Failure to appear on time will result in your elimination.
- Tournament rules may be amended at any time if the tournament organiser deems it necessary.
League of Legends 1v1

Tournament Date & Time: Sunday 21st of April 17:30
Participation Fee: Free
Maximum Entries: 32
Online Registration Deadline: 22:00 Friday 19th of April
Registration at the CCC E-Sports Booth: Saturday 20th of April 9:00 – 20:00 & Sunday 21st of April 9:00 – 16:30
Check-In: 9:00 – 16:30 Sunday 21st of April
1st Place: €200
2nd Place: €50
Mode: Blind Pick
Map: Howling Abyss
Format: Single Elimination
Qualifiers: Best of 1 | Semi-Finals: Best of 3
- Each player can ban 3 characters via chat, with each player taking turns with the player that is highest in the brackets taking the first pick.
- To win the round you must complete one of the following:
- Get the first kill
- Get to 100 CS
- Destroy the opponent’s tower
- In the case of an unknown result, the game must be completed in full so as to have access to the replay.
- You have to pass by the CCC E-Sports Booth to check in and confirm your presence during the indicated check in time slot and also be present at the CCC E-Sports Booth at least 20 minutes before the tournament’s starting time. Failure to appear on time will result in your elimination.
- Tournament rules may be amended at any time if the tournament organiser deems it necessary.
Nintendo Stage
The CCC 2019 Nintendo Fighting stage is brought to you by Cyprus Smash Brothers!
The Smash team will be running a Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1 as well as a Smash Bros. Ultimate 3v3 Crew Battle!
During both days there will also be Smash Bros. Free Plays in which anyone can participate.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1v1

Tournament Date & Time: Saturday 20th of April 12:00
Participation Fee: €10
Maximum Entries: 32
Online Registration Deadline: 22:00 Friday 19th of April
Registration at the CCC E-Sports Booth: Until 11:00 Saturday 20th of April
Check-In: 9:00 – 11:00 Saturday 20th of April
1st Place: €500 Voucher
From Stephanis
2nd Place: €200 Voucher
From Stephanis
3rd Place: €50 Voucher
From Stephanis
Format: Double Elimination
- 3 stock
- 6 Minutes
- Items Off
- Spirits Off
Map Ruleset:
- Hazards on: Battlefield | Final Destination | Smashville
- Hazards off: Pokemon Stadium | Kalos Pokemon League | Lylat cruise | Town and City
- It is preferred that you bring your own controller, otherwise you will be provided with the default GameCube controller.
- You have to pass by the CCC E-Sports Booth to check in and confirm your presence during the indicated check in time slot and also be present at the CCC E-Sports Booth at least 20 minutes before the tournament’s starting time. Failure to appear on time will result in your elimination.
- Tournament rules may be amended at any time if the tournament organiser deems it necessary.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 3v3 Crew Battle

Tournament Date & Time: Sunday 21st of April 12:00
Participation Fee: €5 per person (€15 per team)
Maximum Entries: 11 Teams of 3
Online Registration Deadline: 22:00 Friday 19th of April
Registration at the CCC E-Sports Booth: All Day Saturday 20th of April & Until 11:00 Sunday 21st of April
Check-In: 9:00 – 11:00 Sunday 21st of April
1st Place: €540 Voucher
From Stephanis
2nd Place: €150 Voucher
From Stephanis
3rd Place: €60 Voucher
From Stephanis
Games involve pitting each team of 3 against another team of 3 in a game of Crew Battle.
Stock: 1 per player (if you lose a game, another teammate has to fill in for you)
Stage: Battlefield
Match Duration: 6 Minutes
Format: Best of 3
- The two competing teams will have a game of rock paper scissors. The winning team gets to pick a character first.
- During the character picking stage, teams pick in a 1 – 2 – 2 – 1 format. This means that Team A will pick one character first. Then, Team B will pick two characters after that. Then, Team A will pick their 2nd & 3rd character. Then, Team B will pick their 3rd and final character.
- Each player is assigned to a character DURING the character selection screen.
- Character selections are PICK LOCKED, this means that if Team A picks Isabelle, Team B -CANNOT- pick Isabelle for that particular game.
- The order in which characters are picked during the character selection is NOT the order in which the players will play.
- After both teams have finished their character selection, they will then decide the order in which each player will play (This will be done in secret to the opposing team)
- It is preferred that you bring your own controller, otherwise you will be provided with the default GameCube controller.
- You have to pass by the CCC E-Sports Booth to check in and confirm your presence during the indicated check in time slot and also be present at the CCC E-Sports Booth at least 20 minutes before the tournament’s starting time. Failure to appear on time will result in your elimination.
- Tournament rules may be amended at any time if the tournament organiser deems it necessary.