
10577204_1541799072799705_2943606150086604915_nCyprus Comic Con is pleased to announce GeekOtopos as one of our sponsors for this year’s event!

Geekotopos is an open-source collaborative hive specializing in bringing creative freelancers together in a co-working environment. Filmmakers, graphic designers, video gamer developers, comic book artists and anyone who works in storytelling mediums can join and take residency in GeekOtopos to develop current and future projects.

Make sure to follow GeekOtopos and its creative projects on Facebook!

The collaborative offers pre-production development assistance for low-budget feature films, shorts, documentaries video games, graphic novels and TV shows for festival circulation, potential Cinema, Web and Video-On-Demand distribution.

GeekOtopos is also an on-line geek-media aggregator with its own YouTube channel focusing in all things Geeky: Movies, Tv Series, Comic Books, Video Games and Gadgets. Through the channel, GeekOtopos residents can also create specialized content. Its social media pages acts a news hub for all geek-culture matters and also feature special reports on nerdy local events.

As a content creator, GeekOtopos focuses on alternative media creation and projects targeted at pop-culture enthusiasts and not only. Film, VOD, web, video game and app productions using our talent pool of GeekOtopos residents and off-side partners for personal or corporate projects. GeekOtopos is both a place and mind-set where you are not constrained by routine and creativity blocks. We aim at networking and stimulating freelance and small business creatives to create and distribute amazingly cool geeky things.

At this years Cyprus Comic Con, GeekOtopos co-produced CCC16 official trailer and will sponsor the Film Festival section by giving a price of 2500€ in production services to the director of the winning local short film. Furthermore, through out the 2-day event they will be live-broadcasting the highlights of the convention to Facebook and YouTube with special guest interviews and audience reactions!