Today we are giving you a sneak peek behind the scenes of the trailer shoot for Cyprus Comic Con 2017, featuring – oh, um… what looks like some rather shady characters!
It seems that we are in some sort of bar, but it’s been completely overrun by villains!
Just where did all the superheroes go?! We need help!
What on earth is going on here?! Someone activate the Bat Signal!
Are those our blueprints?! But how in the world did these villains get their hands on them?
Just look at them – heavily drinking and laughing viciously! They must be up to no good!
Good heavens! I knew we should have renewed Thor‘s contract for one more year…
Even the director seems fed up with their shenanigans! Put that lightsaber down young man, um I mean Kylo, sir.
Well we are not entirely sure what is going on in these photos, but we know that this year’s Cyprus Comic Con trailer will be criminally good! No? Too much? Okay, okay, I will stop there – just wait to see the trailer when it comes out later next month!
Trailer Shoot Credits

Hasan Arkan as Payday thug
Daniel Ellinas as Riddler
Finn Force (Andreas Akritas) as Stormtrooper
Nicholas Georgiou as Bane
Nyree Hapetian as Malthael
Eleni Ioakim as Hooded villain
Kyriakos Ioannou as The Penguin
Christian Lauren Jocson as Bartender
Çağrı Kaba as Payday thug
Errikos Karefyllides as Deathstroke
Costas Koulermou as Darth Vader
Michael Shumeyko as Nagato (Pein)
Ali Soyturk as Kylo Ren

Director: Andreas Sheittanis
Director of Photography: Ektoras Papageorgiou
Sound: Arsenis Agisilaou
Concept & Coordination: Neil Barnett, Crystal Michael
Makeup for Riddler and The Penguin: Crystal Michael
Volunteers: Christopher Barnett, Joseph Barnett, Frixos Georgiou, Marios Ttofa
Catering: Loukou Donuts
Last but not least, a huge thank you is in order for Charitos Vasou Louka and Neverland Rock Bar for allowing us to invade their space!
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