Panayiotis Verropoulos

Panayiotis Verropoulos is a 23 year old Visual Effects Artist and Compositor, from Cyprus.

For more of Panayiotis’ work, visit his website and watch his demo reel on Vimeo.

From a very young age, Panayiotis discovered his passion for filmmaking and Visual Effects. He started delving more in to this world by watching tutorials and making his own small projects.

After completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from European University Cyprus, he was awarded with a full scholarship from one of the best schools for 3D Animation & Visual Effects; Vancouver Film School.

There, in one extremely intense year, following real studio pipelines and working with real industry people, he acquired the knowledge to pursue a career as a Compositor in Feature Films or TV series.

We are very pleased to have Panayiotis featuring at this year’s convention. We hope you also like his work and are looking forward to see more this coming August!

1 comment on “Panayiotis Verropoulos”
  1. Stavros Charalambous

    hello Veropoullos !
    all the best at CCC 🙂
    Your instructor from SEO.
    cheers 🙂

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