Nicolas Sideris

Nicolas Sideris was born in Nicosia, in 1980.

At the age of 5, Nicolas showed great skill in freehand drawing, with emphasis in the depiction of animals, that have always been an irreplaceable part of his life. During his childhood and adolescence, he attended painting and sculpture courses at various art workshops, while in high school he graduated in graphic arts.

To see more of Nicolas work, find him on Facebook.

In 2000, he entered the ASFA (Athens School of Fine Arts) where he studied painting and printmaking and after graduating with a grade of “excellent”, his diploma was recognised as equivalent and corresponding respectively to a “masters” degree by KYSATS. (Cyprus Council of Recognition of Higher Qualifications).

Having exhibited in both Cyprus and Greece, he now maintains a workshop where he teaches painting and other forms of artistic expression to people of different ages and helps students prepare for their entrance exams.

In his latest drawings (pencil) a surreal trend is being manifested, which, based on spontaneous expression on no account bound by logic, deals with elements (memories/experiences) which for years had remained locked in the bottomless drawer of the unconscious.

Meanwhile, having brought back to his everyday life a childhood friend, the caricatura, he depicts famous personas mainly from movies and sports.

Nicolas also loves Greek music – by the age of 10 he could play musical instruments (bouzouki and tzouras) and in recent years he has been playing at various cafes-ouzo bars and restaurants.

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