Charalampos Ioannides (Colto Comics)

Meet our next Featured Artist, Charalampos Ioannides from Colto Comics!

Charalampos, also known as Colto, was beamed down to Thessaloniki sometime during the glorious golden decade of the 80’s. Right after kindergarten (!), he studied Economics and Tibetan zoography in Hannover. He worked abroad and in Greece, both in the private and public sectors. His relationship to comics and books in general, had always been tight – almost an addiction. Besides his Hellenic mother language, he can read and write in English, French and German. Moreover, he speaks proficient Caribbean, occasionally Farsi and the language of dolphins!

Caribuenos – Tales of the legendary Captain Mugbeard” is his primal attempt at his comic book art debut, which will soon be available for a broader audience, other than his usual, imaginary friends and the kind neighbour on the 3rd floor.

You can have a glance at his work at the following websites: ColtoComics and ArcTheOriginal.